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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Talk about an uphill battle
  2. A 2nd round pick plus is too much to give up a guy who's over the hill. I like McNabb but he's a season or 2 away from retirement. He may do very well for DC this year.. and even the next.. then what?
  3. How low is the bar for "good looking"? seriously.
  4. So you're saying some dudes, wrongly I may add, mistaken the ills on our offense and blame the receiving game.. citing Plaxico's absence.. when in fact our passing offense was the only thing we got. Well said Jim I swear you should be an analyst on ESPN.
  5. That's the thing, Tree. It's an uncapped year and all the guy wanted was a 2 year contract.. I'm sure we can afford next year... however my hunch Phillips will make it back and this Grant guy is just an insurance.
  6. Any idea why we didn't pursue Sharper?
  7. Nas


    Yay.. USF pro day.. what's that?
  8. No, as much as I like Michael Johnson for he's very young and his best years are ahead of him.. many on this board have leveled heavy criticism on him... It got me thinking, maybe these guys see something I don't... and that sense MJ won't be a starter.. but he'd still be in blue. I think Kenney's health is a question mark, the Giants would've pursued Sharper.. gave him the 2 year deal he seeks, and have him start.
  9. The fact the Giants didn't pursue Sharper is also telling.
  10. Nas


    Shit, make shit up if you have to. Like "Tea Partiers are Giants Fans" I bet you that'd spark a conversation.. and I wonder how differently would we look at them if that was to be true... hurry dude.
  11. Nas


    No "Breaking News" Lately?
  12. I think the Giants are fine with the Spiller rumors... my hunch is the Giants will try to get McClain... even if they have to move up a few spots.... assuming McClain is as good as people say he is.. i'm no college expert.
  13. My understanding it was an Achilles Tendon injury.. an injury I'm recovering from as we speak. My surgery was on Feb 12th, I'm officially out of the boot and can walk with a limp.. can't run yet. I think in 2 more weeks, I'm gonna return to walking normally and will start jogging 2 weeks after. And my injury was as devastating as they come.. it was 100% torn. A year is plenty of time to recover... especially for Athletes.
  14. Who did Sharper go to?
  15. Yes, till Spiller gets some experience.
  16. Nas


    I don't see how the Giants don't go MLB in the first round. Unless the guys the want are gone by then.. then I do see them going RB or DT or OT... My hunch is they will go after Mclain even if they have to trade up.
  17. I got in trouble with the wife for it. She thought I was checkin out porn sites. Nas is in the doghouse... Thanks Pdboub
  18. Nas


    Don't know about all that.
  19. Nas


    I'm not surprised Jim. Arabs are very hospitable people. If you remember the christmas would be bomber said that of the Yemeni people as he admired the country and its hospitable people. We have always admired America... that's why we can never understand why such a great country... backs the aggressor in the Arab-Israeli conflict.. Of course I'm not wondering.. I know enough about American politics to know what time it is.. Be safe out there brother, and tell my people I said السلام عليكم
  20. Doubt it.. my sister is no longer there.
  21. Yea, a Friday night game shown on Al-Jazeera
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