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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I woke up early this morning in cold sweat thinking the draft was last night and somehow I missed it...
  2. You ARE wrong my friend. I, too, am done with predictions... but I do see the Giants being the powerhouse in the NFC east. Last year was an aberration.
  3. I do think it's 10 minutes to pick. But I like it on Thursday night for the first round... just to confirm..this will be on ESPN at 8 PM, correct?
  4. wtf? We open the new stadium against the Panthers?
  5. Would you want him on the Giants for Canty and a 5th rounder?
  6. The league franchised him.
  7. What's the chance we get Hayensworth out of DC? If we do, our main focus will be MLB.
  8. Do you live in the locker room? lol
  9. I like Osi. Had to get that out of the way. However, if have two starting DEs for the same spot.. one has to go.. otherwise you will have drama. Trading Osi will make us better because we will get something in return. Having said that.. I think Osi will be a Giant for a long time.
  10. Sorry Nem, not my forte. I got lucky once guessing the final score in the super bowl.. Titans and Rams... and I didn't even guess the damn thing. You know when you guess the first digit of each score? Basically I was the last one and I had no choice but to pick that 7 4 (if I recall correctly). I'll get my popcorn and be ... shit, I am going to cancel my physical therapy appt for Thursday night..
  11. Oh I agree. And I enjoy the contribution both of you make on this board. I don't know how you guys keep track of college players... and I have the utmost respect for it.
  12. I think the Giants get clarification on the issue and if Mclain is there at 15, we get him.
  13. Yea.. where the fuck is Eli? Big Ben is better than Eli? Tony Romo is better? I do not fucking think so.
  14. What's your definition of underachieving, Jack? How many teams out of the 32 have had better record in the last decade than the Giants? This team underachieved last year...
  15. Is it me or Jim came out swinging? lol.
  16. I don't see how we keep Osi and Kiwi both happy. But hey, if we can get some picks or one good pick out of trading one, then why not. Four days to go...
  17. Jokingly, I was implying Jack is in love with Gruden and Blackburn.. thanks for ruining the joke
  18. nailed it Now add Blackburn to the mix:
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