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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Doesn't almost every team? It seems like a fallacy to me.. if the expectations are low, by the definition, all you have to be is mediocre..
  2. In his comments about the Colts, the writer said he's judging the team based on this upcoming season.. stating the team has NOT improved... the Giants HAVE improved.
  3. If this ranking is any indication, it means the Jints are going to have a pretty good year.
  4. On a second thought.. these dumb fucks always favor Dallas over us anyway... assholes.
  5. Yea but these dumb fucks always put the Eagles ahead of us... so I'm not surprised there.
  6. I'm in total agreement here. Rex's attitude is tremendous... his confidence rubs off on his players.. and he's pretty relaxed out there.. Coughlin is polar opposite.
  7. So they're fucking telling me because of our atrocious defense last year under Sheridan with so many fucking injuries, they're putting us at fucking 19th? I'm not even buying Dallas is better than us.. and for his talk about Dallas thinking they'll be the first team to play the SB in their own stadium I say the Giants will tag that fucking stadium again and defeat the Ravens...
  8. Age caught up with him.. but let's not pretend he wasn't a pretty good player for us. I don't like shitting on players who wore Blue.. and retired as such.
  9. Dude? cruel and unusual much?
  10. Thank you for explaining. It amazes me how some people manage to misunderstand a simple paragraph.
  11. Dude, I sensed so much emotion out of the dude... the Titans did him dirty... and he's "full go" as per his physical therapist... I'm ecstatic about this signing.
  12. See.. that's what's confusing.. on the one hand we ask him to surprise the defense... and by definition.. a surprise leaves you scratching your head.. then when he does it, we bitch about it anyway lol. Personally, I think it has much to do with the Oline being pushed back... Parcells once said that teams knew what play we were gonna run... n we ran it anyway... smashmouth. Also, Barden can be a huge upgrade... only to keep the defense honest.
  13. I don't know man... last I checked we did pick a LB in this draft.. and this draft had shit at that position. So we're trying to do a patch up job till we can find someone viable.. every team goes thru this. And who knows.. maybe he turns out to be a very nice surprise for us.
  14. Nas

    Hey Troll

    What's the big upheaval about Badegg making an appearance... we can handle other than Giants fans on this board no matter how "uncool" or "outrageous" some people find their remarks to be. And Italian hot dog brings something to the table.. even if it seems it's always the devil's advocate's point of view.
  15. Nas

    Hey Troll

    If you have something relevant to say, say it but coming here once every 5 months to rile up members of the board wont be accepted.
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