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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Missed the game.. forgot it was last night.. thanks to a project that takes 2 weeks.. and they want me to squeeze it in over the weekend when everyone is home... yep I'm in the office today too... I'm pissed I missed the game.
  2. It's fine.. it's that inferiority complex. And remember we won that game anyway.
  3. I don't know Jim.. I like Jaws. Aside from that I can't wait to see Chris Berman and Tom Jackson.. those guys are good. And Gruden is perfect where he is now... I think the most awful thing that happened to MNF is when they brought that unfunny comedian to do commentary... don't remember his name but he was lame.
  4. I'm not disagreeing with you but I think most if not all of us are aware of this... yea we know the guy is a rookie and may not make it after all but he gave us enough to get excited about.. hey.. and we won the very first game at Giants Stadium... Fuck the Jets.
  5. I don't remember his exact words.. hell I don't remember wtf he was saying but I can tell very clearly he hates the Giants... Chris Carter is a blabbering idiot.
  6. I think with a few more reps, he'll be fine. You can't teach leg strength.. but you can teach mechanics. I can kick (or at least in the past) a 60 yard filed goal.. but can't get a punt to go past 20 yards to save my life. Later I discovered it was because my leg was too fast for my own good.. it's almost like a batter swinging too quickly... and fouls the ball instead of driving it down the middle....
  7. Exactly. He was actively pursuing the ball. He didn't wait for it to drop when it was up for grabs. Showed very smooth athletic moves.. he made them look easy. This maybe our 3rd starting WR this season if he's this good... And I say that knowing I like Manningham and think he is a star in the making...
  8. No, everytime he was pulled down he'd go again.. it was fucking hilarious.
  9. Seeing a drunk Giants fan trying to take him down was hillarious.. don't know if they showed it on TV but the fan was escorted out.
  10. it's the official airlines of the Jets.
  11. I didn't know you were in the west coast... and it's 148
  12. Just got home fro the game.. left at halftime actually.. didn't wanna get home at 1 am. The new stadium is ok.. nothing spectacular. The parking arrangements are fucking horrible. They had us park outside.. way outside.. only take a school bus (shuttle) to another spot where another bus picked us up.. and walking a good 5 blocks in between... The food is typical stadium food.. you'd think someone would pull his head out of his ass and ask.. why do we have to serve shitty food simply because it's a stadium.. oh.. and 2 chocolate chip cookies went for $5. The lick Eli took at least from my vantage point was completely Jacobs' fault.. I don't know for the life of me why he'd run into his own QB... the hit looked bad but he'll be ok.. granted the Jets' player didn't really have to try to paralyze him.. Aside from that.. I missed my couch.. watching the game from home is much more entertaining.
  13. Dude.. it's 8 PM Eastern.. I almost feel off my chair when I saw 5 PM lol. I'm supposed to be there section 143. And I'm bringing a camera and a camcorder.
  14. nice man.. thanks for posting.
  15. Nice Lug.. sorry about the kid.. memories and congrats for getting the tickets.
  16. I'm sure there will be quite a few Giants fans too.
  17. I got 'em for free. I was saying if he was to ask me for the $250, I'd have to remind him of the 250 he "owes" me.. even though he wasn't planning on paying it anyway. I knew I'm not gonna get that money.. so why not get the tickets.. and be at the first ever game at the new stadium... section 143 no less
  18. I'm paying for them... $125 each. However he owes me $250 from when he guaranteed my previous employer would pay me the $500 I asked for when they needed me to run their payroll.. they only paid half
  19. I'm supposed to pick up two tickets this evening.. they're supposed to be really good seats. My boss is a Jets season ticket holder.. and it just so happened he's on vacation till Monday night..
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