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Everything posted by Nas

  1. No one holds a grudge like, Pdboub.. no one
  2. Nas


    We all did.. and we thought we're fucked without no name linebackers... there was a feeling the coaches are on to something.. but human nature took over and we thought we just coudln't land a stud LB. Having said that Goff looks like the guy Oakland drafted... let's hope he keeps it up.
  3. Not really.. we started last season strong.. finished like shit.. we started this season like shit.. and now the D is catching on .. reminds me of 2007 when we started 0-2 .. allowed like 80 points and the sky was falling.. then the D came together..
  4. Not sure.. but could be because the Texans were stacking the box.. expecting the run. I'm not going to complain.. the Giants are 2-0 since my return to the US
  5. Nas


    Still with that internet tough guy shit? lol ok. And yes Jack does that.. and that's Jack for you.
  6. Nas


    Yes Pdoub.. we know you're ahead of the curve when it comes to this stuff .. we agree with you
  7. oh I just got that And yea I agree.. but I like Kurt.. just had a brainfart.. or maybe he's just right.. and he now realizes oh shit.. he was kindda like that
  8. Premature ejaculation on the Post's and Jacks part
  9. Like most fans I was very upset with Barber. A few months ago I stated I was over the drama and that Barber is one of my all time favorite Giants. I'm shocked he was booed by the fans... I thought they'd be gracious enough to cheer the guy.. I know I would have.
  10. So basicallly you guys are saying I should be glad I couldn't watch the game because internet in this bumblefuck country sucks major balls. So how did it go... who fucked up what when and how.
  11. Personally, I don't need a player's poll to tell me who's overrated or not. Eli is not Peyton... he's not Brees.. we can all agree to that. But to say he sucks is going to the other extreme. In a lot of ways you proved a point I'd raised earlier in that in football especially it's near imnpossible to compare players at the same position because of all the moving parts. Archie Manning they say was a great QB whose OL sucked major balls.. maybe his entire team did. In that sense, I think Eli is the best QB we've had in over 2 decades) As far as Jacobs, I've at least in my own mind thrown in the towel.
  12. Sometimes all it takes is a simple explanation. Show the guy some courtesy... sit him down as an adult and tell him what's going on.. it really isn't that hard.. unless you're a hard ass self-righteous prick like Coughlin.
  13. I totally disagree with piling on SG for this thread.. having said that the bolded comment above is a fucking classic
  14. SG, I think 25 other teams would be happy with Eli Manning as their QB... and at that salary. Look I understand the game was frustrating (I didn't get to watch all of it since it started 3 AM here).. Eli is not to blame.
  15. I think this answers your question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-aKfTK2LiM
  16. You're fucking hillarious GG gotta love those gifs.
  17. SG, this maybe an overraction on your part.. particularly after a bad loss for which everyone played like shit. In defense of Eli, he has won games we weren't supposed to... he's kept his cool under immense pressure... he has shown us comebacks we were not used to seeing. Did we get our asses handed to us Sunday night? You bet. Was it Eli's fault? Hardly.. kindda hard to perform as QB when you have 1.5 seconds to throw. His body language is just his body language... I won't criticize it... has Phillip Rivers become a better QB? Who knows.. some say yes.. some say no... since it's near impossible to compare players in the NFL as there are far many moving parts. Could we possibly question our running game? Couldn't that be a HUGE factor in our loss.. making our plays very predictable? I'm not saying Eli is a superstar but he's a far better QB than we've had in a very long time... Gilbride however.. I sure would like to see someone else and hopefully Fewell is now ready to show his stuff after the 2nd game in the regular season.. the same way Spags did.
  18. Nas

    Giant Fix

    Good. The Giants need to play with more fire that's for sure.
  19. This was one of the sayings I used to hear during basic training: "I fuck this monkey, you hold the tail" or "I fuck the chicken, you collect the feathers"
  20. Remember under Spags we started 0-2 (right?) I don't expect our team (defensively) to stomp on anyone right away... so hopefully Fewell gets his act together and learn from this one.
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