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Everything posted by Nas

  1. We do run the ball late in games.. we're just not as successful at it because teams are expecting it.
  2. No because it could be because teams are expecting run and are stacking the box.. so we go deep and why not. A completed pass puts them on their heel AND runs out the clock just as well as the run.
  3. I don't get it.. why am I hearing about injuries during the bye week? Yea I know.. most were hurt in Dallas but still.. wtf.
  4. I don't mind us playing like that.. it's the fact that the team tends to slack off at the end.
  5. Amen. The guy has hands of glue.
  6. That's my point.. a disciplined team doesn't take its foot off the gas.
  7. Until I see us cutting down dramatically on this turnovers.. and end the season with a + ratio, I say this team needs to get its act together.. we almost let the Lions and Dallas right back in... great teams don't do that.
  8. The guy is wayyyyyy past his prime. He gets no separation anymore... We have young guns in our O who play at a high level.
  9. Dude.. Moss is getting old and slow... there's a reason he was traded and released in on a matter of weeks. I'm VERY happy with what we have.. NICKS over Moss anyday.. Smith Over Moss anyday.. and even Manningham for that matter.. Of course there's always the possibility you were being sarcastic all along.
  10. I bet this is not the first time you did that
  11. My vote is in Jim. Apparently you can't vote as often as you can... it even asked for an email address which I did. I must say it's not looking good right now as the Giants-Seahawks is at 7%
  12. He looks a lot like Jason Witten out there.
  13. I don't see why some of you are stressing this now. it's way too early and we don't know who's gonna stay healthy and who isn't.. and whether this is a career ending injury for Kiwi.
  14. did he get caught in the act? or after the fact? If after the fact then it's a success.
  15. I think the problem is much smaller than you think. A little tweak here and there and this team will right the ship.
  16. All I know is when and if we do part with Fewel the Giants go after the best DC out there.. Sheridan left a scar in our psyche and I'm not willing to go thru that again.
  17. I'm with you on all counts.. I'll add that the Giants, given last season's clusterfuck, regretted a great deal parting with Spags.. not that they could've kept him but maybe they should've tried harder to keep him. Fewel's system is looking very good now and my bet is Eli and the O and Spec teams get their act together because the Giants are NEVER the 2nd football team in town... and we got 3 Trophies to prove it. As far as JPP, man he's a fucking monster.. I can't wait to see him on DL either.
  18. And somehow I feel we'll get both problems solved sooner than later. Eli just needs to warm up better... notice he only fucks up early on...
  19. I think SoCal should invite this guy to Sportswrath. We need that kindda of passion from other teams' fans.
  20. Totally, not to mention we may just need to win the SB first.
  21. haha.. yep. the 2nd football team in NY playing in Jet Blue Stadium
  22. To be fair.. the guy looks awesome.
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