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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Lighten up Sharon... I'm just busting your chops. It started when I was looking for a "Mr Obvious" image on google... somehow Dennis Rodman (if that's him) was one of the images.. I couldn't resist. And that's how the story of you being Sassy Sarah the sequel started.
  2. trying to hide that adam's apple ha?
  3. The she-male version of Lubeck.
  4. Not necessarily.. there are no guarantees Philly doesn't sign him.. which is why the Giants should.
  5. Rolle fucked up and he knows it. I'm not mad at him. On a different note.. why is it we say "putting their life on the line".. life.. singular... but we say "They risk their lives".. lives.. plural... personally I think it should be lives in both counts. Sorry if I pulled the grammatical Blunatic on you all. carry on.
  6. lol tellme about it. Poor dogs and donkeys get a lot of flack.
  7. You can always push Manningham to the 4th spot. Or.. who said we can't have a WR rotation like we do with DLs?
  8. He just has a different opinion.. I'm sure he'll come to terms with it.
  9. awwwww Fun Fact: Calling someone a dog in the Arab culture is an insult.
  10. Having been one Eli's supporters and the one who said "grass is greener on the other side" when it comes to those who criticize Glibride.. I say I'm on good footing
  11. that's what I thought too. Jim is off base.. probably for the first time..
  12. Nope.. we lost to them 5 in a row I think.. so maybe if we're still tied when we face them again then that's our chance.
  13. Philly is in first place because of head to head.
  14. based on this game.. Yes.
  15. Grass is always greener on the other side. Say what you will about his play calling, the guy has won us a lot of games. Eli needs to throw lasers like he did early on in the season and take care of the ball.. we'll be rolling.
  16. It's only a great play because it worked... they were more lucky than good.
  17. Tough crowd. Poor Eli's been getting hammered. Can we put that clusterfuck of a game behind us now? it's not like the defense didn't give up a 50 yard TD on 4th down.
  18. They should make a rule that a Division winner has to win at least 8 or 9 games in order to make the playoffs.
  19. This all depends on how well we recover from all these fucking injuries... of course it would be very helpful if we win this weekend.. given how our O is missing many key pieces.
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