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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Detroit it is Monday Night 7:20 PM Eastern.. Fox carries the game locally for NY and MN.
  2. Well let's if the Giants can now copy the bears' game plan.. and apply it next week.
  3. And the Sportswrath Minnesota crew will be there to watch this game.. in case you guys forgot
  4. 100% of their fans. Don't be fooled by the 25% closeted ones who will say nice things to our faces but deep down loath us.
  5. So basically this guy is saying the Giants' D isn't prefect. Thank you Mr Obvious.
  6. Yea but we don't want them rusty on that game either.
  7. but that's our Jack .. the jack we all love.
  8. No H, I meant to cut one Moss for another.
  9. I would be in favor of this one too.. only if we still had the other Moss on the roster...
  10. Only in the highly unlikely scenario that he'd come cheap... I'm sure he can do better than Rocky Bernard. So I say never say never.. for the right price the guy can be a tremendous addition to an already great DL. But don't tell me he won't make us that much better instantly. Again all I'm saying is Hayensworth > Bernard. Can you imagine Fat Al and Cofield side by side?
  11. That's the hallmark of a party that feels inferior.
  12. I'm rooting for Gman329 to learn how to make a poll Not that I hate the jets but their fans seem to be condescending bitter pricks. Go Patriots.. besides everytime I see that Patriot uniform, some great memories come to mind
  13. Yea sorry.. I lived up to my promise link Tell my brother in Israel we all bleed blue... Navy blue though.
  14. Fuck.. I agree with every post in this thread... you guys are good I think I'm gonna go to the P&R section and start a thread about Jews. brb
  15. I did not. I always say those guys do this for a living.. who am I to question them. JPP looks a lot like Terrel Suggs out there.
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