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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Yea. The guy is work horse.
  2. Yep.. they figured they'd have to face us eventually. That's how I see it.. they played like shit n it showed.
  3. Bye means shit if u have to face the Giants who know they can kick ur ass and are mad as hell. The Giants not making the playoffs are phillys best chance to make it somewhere.
  4. Philly looked like they lost the game intentionally.. seriously do they wanna face us in the playoffs? Do they? Give me a fucking break.. we creamed them.. till the epic collapse.
  5. yea but the past game+ have been disastrous.
  6. I didn't get to watch the first three games as I was in Yemen. I managed to watch scrappy internet feed for most of the Carolina game.. till the electricity went out.. which it does every night.
  7. Yea I guess grass is greener on the other side. I'm more swayed by the argument that Fewel is not as good as Spags.. and Gilbride is a roller coaster.
  8. Agreed. I think although Kareem McKenzie is up there in age, he's been solid .. he kindda struggled a bit last year.
  9. I'm afraid he's been playing in the parking lot.
  10. I swear.. 2 fucking losses and everything is wrong with our team... I happened to think this tame needs a couple of tweaks.. not a massive overhaul.
  11. Wow.. O'Hara was solid b4 the injury. He was rushed back and played like shit the last 2 games.. but he's a pro bowl center.
  12. Speaking of Osi.. where the hell is he? Is it me or the guy is vanishing again?
  13. I think the thought process was (not that I agree with it) to get him back on the field so he can shake the rust off. In hindsight I'm sure even Coughlin thinks it was stupid. I'm beginning to feel bad for Coughlin now.. man he's been getting hammered.
  14. hmmm.. thanks UK. I probably confused that with Baseball.
  15. Wait.. I thought teams can not face a division foe in the first round, no?
  16. Almost every team has to catch a break on the road to the SB.
  17. Ah, I and pretty much the entire board welcome different point of views. I'm not one who talks smack (by best friend is a die-hard boys fan) Never once did I text him after a Boys' losses but he sure lets me know every time my Giants stink up the joint You and the Dog are A-ok with me.
  18. We missed you, Egg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMEhe4CIbEs
  19. Funny because I expect us to beat the skins and the Packers win anyway.. which is our lives as Giants fans are scripted.. we can never be put out of our misery soon enough.. the Gods will milk it till the last second.
  20. I may not be in 100% agreement with you Dog but you bring solid and valid points. It's good to have a point of view that's not from a fan-base.
  21. Yea.. I feel you. I can sense it your words man. I don't know but I feel differently this season.. I no longer get too upset.. it's a defense mechanism. Literally when the Giants were imploding against the Eagles, I just slouched on my couch.. didin't fucking move.. almost like i'm on prozac.
  22. Props to him for playing his tail off. He doesn't do much talking but he sure shows up to play.
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