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Everything posted by Nas

  1. How many former SB winning coaches have gone to coach again and won a SB again? Cowher is the answer? Really? Right now Tom is the best viable option.. if you want to look what coaching changes do, look no further than the Redskins. Disappointing season? You bet. This season will always be known for the collapse... nothing else matters. It's over.
  2. How does Philly have better draft position than us?
  3. yea.. the skins got the last laugh.. they get better draft picks.
  4. I would agree if this team didn't bend over in the last 8 minutes against Philly. Never in my lifetime have a seen a team completely suck in all three phases of the game in just 8 minutes.. Defense shit the bed, ST did the same.. and the O couldn't get us a first down. All in all this team went from the top team in the NFC to.. to this.
  5. I'm not outraged... I realize my health is more important than a bunch of millionaire athletes. At the very least Gilbride and quinn have to go... looking back, Reese fucked up by letting Tyree go.. ST sucked balls this season.. Shit I'm not sure Feagles couldn't have been pursuaded to stay another year... who knows. I'm very disappointed.. but outraged.. i don't think so.
  6. We already have guys in the system who are ready to step in. I don't think the Giants ever neglect the OLine. It seems they draft at least one player each year for the Oline. And I don't think this year will be any different.
  7. Need a starting RB and a starting TE. None of the guys we have now are first-string material.
  8. We need a home run hitter on defense.. We just don't have that game breaker we used to have in Strahan.. n dare I say LT.. I mean god.. our LBers are awful.
  9. O'Hara is not starting this week.
  10. The Giants need a starter at RB. Bradshaw and Jacobs are 2nd/3rd tier.
  11. I'm no expert.. I do see Gilbride as being a scapegoat here.. has he been perfect.. no one is. At the end of the day it's players who turn the ball over not coaches. This team needs a few minor changes.. hardly anything major. Jsut think.. with 8 minutes left in the Eagles game we were easily the cream of the crop in the NFC.
  12. That's why I said "If we make the playoffs".. as opposed to "If the Bears win"..
  13. Man if we make the playoffs this year, I will root for the Bears whenever it's not against the Giants.
  14. Yea.. it's a military mentality of "suck it up and drive on"... except it backfires. Some moron 1st Sgt did not allow us to wear ear plugs saying if we do, how would we hear the enemy .. well moron this is not real combat.. sure enough I'm half deaf in my left ear. Smith's injury was a freak accident he was pulled backwards and his knee was twisted.
  15. Soccer? Not that it's a lesser sport.. I played that one too. No I meant football.. real rough tackle football.. no pads. It's even harder when almost everyone else weighs twice as much as you. And a fractured ankle is a fractured ankle whether you got it dancing or playing a rough sport. Thanks for the shot.. get 'em in while you can.. it's the last day of 2010.
  16. I guess the fucks of this season are too vast to pin them on one person. Eli takes some of the blame.. Bradshaw does.. many other players do... and coaches do as well.
  17. how many times did he let a punt hit the ground first till it almost comes to a dead stop then jumps on it in between 4 defenders trying to run it.. fucking boneheaded. Ware seemed to be doing better than ok on kick returns.
  18. wow gmen, I totally agree with you. I kid you not I got tackled from behind as a kid by a much bigger n stronger dude.. I actually didn't go down easily.. partly because I was tough despite being small.. and partly because he really didn't want to hurt me as he was like an older brother. Save to as he was being "dragged" for maybe a foot or 2 his need was planted on my ankle.. cause a "thud" sound that he and I heard. I didn't even try to think of what it was and proceeded to play.. and when the pain got too much I taped the fuck out of it till my foot looked like a football.. and continued playing. He got up and ran back really fast without saying a word.. after he heard that thud.. of my ankle geting fractured.
  19. You know what.. it's Wednesday n maybe we're overreacting here. Fisher, Cowher, Gruden.. whoever aren't much of an upgrade if any over Coughlin. I think the problem is Glibride.. and the fact that we have no solid linebackers.
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