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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I do expect us to drafter a linebacker.. an impact one in the first round... even if we have to trade up. That's my prediction and I'm sticking to it.. however I also believe the Giants should and will go after a stud LB via free agency... the question is who's available (and for the love of god pretend this is a normal off-season for the sake of this discussion.. thanks)
  2. Well that's what we are going to be looking at... I think he will do much better in his 2nd year.
  3. Dear Canadian, Please understand that our defensive personnel, while mostly talented, they're not that above and beyond their peers int he NFL... and with the Linebacker situation we have I think teams know it's our weakness and are exploring it to no end. Fewel will definitely be better in his 2nd year than his first.. as all of us usually are. Now fix the LB issue, and you got a pretty good defense that would rival the Ravens and the Steelers. Sincerely, Some Arab-American
  4. Props to the owners. To me that saved the integrity of the game. We all have the same amount of $ to spend on talent.. may the best talent wins. It's hard to celebrate too hard when the Yankees win the World Series. But man the Giants have given us 3 straight decades of Super Bowls. Honestly I wasn't even in the US (and was a child) in the 80s.. way too young to remember the early 90s... but man that 2007 season was great... /rambling
  5. God I hope so. I think He will have a far superior 2nd year than he had his first.. we can't deny how your defense has improved over last year. I may have a short term memory but I don't recall Spag's defenses having meltdowns like this.. but that's why I think it's me not remembering than them not actually happening. I just hope we get some impact linebackers... and it doesn't have to be thru the draft either... speaking of which... what prominent linebackers are UFA's this offseason?
  6. My only concern is that the 2nd year of being a DC is far better than the first... as was the case with Spags. But it's not soemthing I'd worry about.. if he leaves, then nothing we can do about that... I hope we get Fox.
  7. Seahawks Patriots... Seahawks win
  8. Wasn't referring to you, Rik. I know you won't ban him. I'm talking to those who suggest banning him.
  9. If you don't like Jack's threads, don't participate in them. What's this nonsense about banning him?
  10. Gil needs a back-up. On the days when his play-calling absolutely sucks, bench him..
  11. Hey, why don't you get back to doing your job?
  12. Dog, lumping Eli with Dilfer, Host, and (sorry.. Williams who?) is way off base. I think Eli has been great.. maybe a bit inconsistent but great nevertheless. Ok so he is not loud and obnoxious but I'd take him over any other QB out there... including the Elites you listed.
  13. I don't know man.. think of Osi the season after his knee surgery was it? Usually if not always that first season back would suck for any player. And it's not like we're stacked at LB. Resign him for a reasonable amount... worst he can be is a very good back up.
  14. Speaking of Boothe, aside from this year, the dude was terrible. I'm not sure we should put our stock in him based on this year's performance.
  15. I don't have a problem with him remaining aggressive. How many times have we everytime we go into that prevent defense and squander a lead? It was the execution.. remember when Ross took the wrong angle and went inside?
  16. Yep. I love this place and I love having diverse opinions. Having fans from opposing teams is what this board needs more of.. not just to keep us sane but to challenge us. As stated, BadEgg hasn't done anything to warrant him being labeled and treated like a Bad Egg And Rik, I don't expect a response because there's probably NONE.
  17. That's exactly what I, and probably everyone here, thought. Fewel did a good job I guess.. that's for the porn section dude
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