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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Given our current personnel, I'd say it's impossible. The switch would take place only during a rebuilding phase. However I'm in favor of having 3-4 packages out there that would employ the 3-4 while our identity would remain as 4-3.
  2. BlueInCanda, Rolle is not the first player to voice his opinion about Coughlin's style of coaching. Strahan, Tiki, and now Rolle (I might have missed others) have. And you know what.. no one wants to play for a hard-ass asshole. Espeically millionaires.
  3. So you're saying black females can't write about sports?
  4. - Who said we have to get a TE who can block first? Why not get a TE who can block and catch the damn ball.. it's fucking football.. if you can't catch the fucking ball, find another sport. - Bradshaw is better than Jacobs... hands down. But we do need a star at RB to take the reigns at that position. - We're set at QB for the next 7 years. PLEASE I don't want to hear anything about our star QB who had a good season marred by high INTs and makeshift OL and WR corp. Eli is watching and I'm sure he will have a superb season in 2011. - Coughlin DOES need to lighten the fuck up. Our late season collapses can be attributed to fatigue and rushing the players back from injuries are HUGE no no's.... he and only he takes blame. And this tough-guy drill seargent approach to coaching doesn't work nowadays. Respect for players (who are adults mind you) goes a long long way. - I'm glad Fewel is back. His 2nd season should be much better than his first.. much like spags. I'm sure he has "lessons learned" memorized by now. - I hope Richie makes a full recovery. He's an amazing player and an amazing team-mate. - People need to stop being over-sensitive because a player voices his opinion (Rolle). I actually agree with him. And if you don't over-analyze what he said, you'll see he actually makes sense.. lighten up Tom.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhlWddAXSRA - The FO needs to address our LB situation first and foremost. That IS our most glaring need right now. I fully expect a start FA signing AND an early round pick.. no later than the 2nd round... someone who will actually start. - Matt Dodge has a powerful leg but he needs time in the parctice squad. My fix for the punting situation would be to talk Feagles out of retirement. - Bring Tyree back. If you don't think our ST miss him, you're sadly mistaken. It's a fucking atrocity we let him go and kept Moss. I blame Coughlin and Reese for this one. - When our DL just can't get pressure on the QB, rotate them. They're human and can have an off day. The DL rotation worked great in 07. - BOTH OC and DC need to be able to make adjustments. I'm shocked none of them seem to have plan B when the game is heading in the wrong direction. Please feel free to add your remarks or critique mine. Thanks.
  5. Nas

    Cam Newton

    Can he play MLB?
  6. And he's at least on equal footing as Ben and Rivers. imo.
  7. Why is this becoming a bigger issue than it really is? I do think Coughlin needs to lighten up a little.. I don't blame Rolle for saying what he said. At the end of the day Coughlin is a grown man and he's not going to get his feelings hurt.
  8. Seems Coughlin needs to lighten the fuck up. Jeez.. the old ways of intimidating (or at least trying to) people don't work.
  9. Maybe Defense was the reason we defeated the Patriots but didn't Plax and Eli put on a show in GB? and Didn't we score two TDs in that SB in the 4th quarter? And speaking of Defense it's the reason we lost at least half of our games this season... with the flop against the Eagles in the last 8 minutes and continuing the entire game vs GB.
  10. But that's the thing... hardly any of us think Eli "sucks"... the argument is whether he's elite or not. Eli had a good season with the fuck up of outrageously high INTs... so we're going to judge his entire career based on the one stat? Eli's contract is on par with other contracts... how many QBs of his caliber or better have signed for less money since Eli got his contract? Rodgers is under contract but wait till that contract is up.
  11. That's probably the best possible scenario... God I'm already tormented with "jets fever"... and I can't stand the thought of Ben winning another ring. Rodgers is playing lights out and is worthy of a ring and the GB fans from what I heard very classy.
  12. I think that can be said about every QB in the league... what QB thrives without an O-Line? I think Eli is better than average.. a little more than slightly. Has he been inconsistent.. yes.
  13. Don't know bro.. Grass is always greener on the other side. Before Eli..who did we have? When was the last really good QB we had? Simms? I was too young to really watch him play.. but from what I hear Eli has more than surpassed him. How far back do we need to go to find a QB the Giants had who's better than Eli? Not in my lifetime. And then we hear about Rodgers and Rivers and Ben... and you know what.. Eli is up there with those 3.
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