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Everything posted by Nas

  1. LB... this team NEEDS an LT, Ulracher, Ray Lewis... a franchise MLB.
  2. I guess a decent raise is in order.. especially for less paid players.. the non-stars. And to be fair, owners have been good towards the players... they do make millions don't they?
  3. A lot of offensive pass interference calls
  4. Eli's passes were sailing on him... who knows.. maybe we get a good one in the draft.. although that's highly unlikely when we're trying to address the LB position.. but I think Boss is pretty good.. not great but he'll get the job done.
  5. We need an emoticon for a laugh you're tryin to hide
  6. There must be a certain way a leader talks and walks.. he has to be loud and outspoken. I think Tuck is coming to his own.. any leader must first earn his stripes and no one has earned more than Tuck. Expect him to be more vocal
  7. If I recally correctly Shockey wasn't playing up to his rookie year hype. We thought we had a star in the making.. but that never came to fruition.
  8. I see where you're coming from.. I guess Antrelle probably didn't think it was a big deal.. who knows. The media tens to make a story out of a nonstory.
  9. Put that on a first year DC... our secondary is better than you give it credit for... Webster was a start out here.. with the exception of the GB game... you hardly heard his name.. and in the case of CB, that's a good thing.
  10. Those are the Giants' starting LB corp for 2011, G.
  11. I see what you're saying but the radio is the radio. And he wasn't talking shit, he said what's on his mind.. and pretty much what we've known all along. You can take either side on this.. I think he has a valid point and at the end of the day this is an issue only in NY and its media.
  12. Saying it on the radio is hardly "behind someone's back"
  13. I have no problem with him saying anything. It's known that playing for hard asses like Coughlin is like pulling teeth. Seriously light the fuck up Francis... Strahan put it best when he said (paraphrasing) that if you want the meeting to be at 10 then it's 10... you want us 5 minutes early then make it 9:55.
  14. 'Zackly This is a non-story story.
  15. Nas

    Cam Newton

    "Lug Head" is a dead givaway Now that's right there in *SDMF*'s territory.
  16. Collapsing late in games and late in the season is a hallmark of tired bodies.
  17. Nas

    Cam Newton

    Lug Head = Mel Kiper
  18. you're on fire tonight. Boom fast actin' tinactin for Athletes foot.
  19. Yea he sure didn't put his best foot forward.
  20. You would think someone would have posted a pic right now. Apparently posting pix of women is frowned upon in this establishment.
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