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Everything posted by Nas

  1. That's so wrong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGObGID6Cr4
  2. We need to find this out, Joe. Let me call Jack and I'll get back to you.
  3. I see what you're arguing... which is exactly what I'm arguing about. You don't punish people differently based on how you feel about them. Two people commit an offense should be punished the same way. Besides, there's always a free pass for a first offense.
  4. not necessarily. I added 10 lbs to my 119 lb frame in about 2 months with working out and eating a little bit more. it's very possible for a man that huge to add a mere 20 lbs in a couple of months.
  5. Yea I know.. it's not a New York thing. We have an extremely leftist mayor who's out to prove a point. I don't agree with that but I can see where he wanted to make an example out of Plax.. I don't like it one bit.
  6. I just think Plaxico deserves another chance.. and his upside outweighs potential negatives.
  7. Like my boy W would say.. All options are on the table.
  8. Oakland. As far away from NY as possible (for you Jim )
  9. No matter where you fall on Plax coming back. I think our team will be better with him in uniform... You can never have "too many" good players at one position. Hey if we had room for Moss for what seems to be a fucking decade, we sure as hell have room for Plax.
  10. 19 days. True but I'm thinking we have a very good team now.. this window of winning a championship is closing fast. And I don't think the effect on Manningham would be significant. I don't think we have to frame as 1 2 or 3 spot.. different formations/situations command different set of players.
  11. To keep teams like the Eagles or the Cowboys from getting him.
  12. Bingo. I was waiting for someone to say ask that.
  13. Can't fault Seph either. Every point he made was strong. Save your money and put it to better use.
  14. I think most of us... or collectively have it right. Let's face it.. the NFC was wide open and we simply choked. The overwhelming sentiment is this was a weird year.. Eli's stats .. injuries.. ect. No worries about Jack. I defend him all the time... just like I defend BadEgg... yep that's right I
  15. Agreed.. but Eli is definitely in the top 10. I'd even put him in the top 5 but that's just me.
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