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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Wow, I can't believe I forgot about the draft
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QLSRMoKKS0
  3. For the record I don't know what thread you're talking about and didn't really follow what Jack was saying... which is why he's not getting an admission from me as I took no stance.
  4. a broken clock is right twice a day, Joe. Sorry Jack
  5. Seeing Plax in their uniform playing against us in the SB would be creepy.
  6. I'm surprised they don't already test players for this stuff.
  7. From a business standpoint, I think both have valid arguments. One side wants to maximize its ROI and the other wants to maximize the fruits of their labor. I think, the answer is somewhere in between. Certain measures should be taken to insure players are covered for life.. medical.. and retirement. Not milliions of course.. but I don't fault the players.
  8. You know, you're right. As a fan I'm willing to give Tiki a chance.. who knows. Him and Plax back may give us a spark.. or that one spark we need to get over the hump.
  9. To quote the great Treehugger: "Jack vs Logic" strikes again.
  10. And I have no idea who they are
  11. As much as I'd hate to agree.. I do. Tiki was a good athlete.. too bad her personality sucks.
  12. Loving Miami when you're wearing a t shirt is probably different than sucking wind playing in pads.
  13. No asshole. No one in his right mind will send someone like you their resume. Are you this fucking demented? So what you were smoked out? You are one humorless bitter loser.
  14. Dude, I already let it go after I humiliated you in front of the board. Name-calling and acting like a pussy bitch is never a winning strategy. Penis-envy is a terrible disease.
  15. And you want to move to Yemen
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