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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Ayo why LT broke the dude's leg man? lol
  2. BigBlue25 (I know cause that dude is a fan of mine lol)
  3. Yo cowboyz... see this guy DuhMauriceSmith? He's like our Mel Kiper except with actual knowledge.
  4. Is this an appropriate thread to bring up the Legend of Jonas Seawright?
  5. Nas


    I wouldn't put it past him.. I've known him, at least recently, to be very sensitive. He takes a simple joke too seriously... I hope he's around though.
  6. And I think aside from the Patriots fans and some Dallas fans all of the world was rooting for us. I will never forget that day till the day I die... I honestly don't think Cowboyz thinks it's a fluke... I think he knows we owned the Pats.. our D played a superb game.. and Eli completed a lot more than that epic reception by Tyree... our O Line held the line and our D line bent theirs inwards and backwards... Fuck.. go back to the game before that.. how cold was it that day? On the road.. in Green Bay.. that fucking game was Epic.. Thanks Tyne you fuck... Plax played lights out.. and Eli was throwing every pass... Should we go back one more week? To Dallas? Dallas was very good that year... they were picked to win it all no? We were the underdogs.. and BOTH teams played a great game... Romo, I think, was one completion away from having a different outcome to that game.. (forgot who the dude is who dropped a wide open pass in the open)... but you can't tell me the Giants didn't beat the cowboys that day.. in their own house... Fuck those fucking games were no fluke.. and ALL THE COWBOYS know it.
  7. Nas


    If you're confused, how the hell do you think we feel? Nem you imigrate.. get to the bottom of this
  8. I looked at it from the standpoint of 1 SB in the 80s, 1 in the 90s and one in the 2000s... And I could say we were in the SB in 2000... and the result might've been different had the refs didn't call that "fluke" holding call on Keith Hamilton nullifying our TD... not saying our odds were good against the Raven's D but still.
  9. Yea.. let's hope when you finally win it, it will be as sweet as it was for the Red Sox ... for now us Giants fans will enjoy winning it once a decade and going to the SB twice a decade
  10. haha na I doubt it. Football knowledge I leave that to the likes of Jim, Maurice, and Fishgut among others.. football scars however, I don't know many people who have played as much as I did... concussions, pulled hamstrings, busted lips etc...
  11. Yea.. for a Mexican jk, Big Bro
  12. Bro.. it has been that long.. are you kidding me.... shit last time the cowboys won.. I wasn't even in college yet... shit I was still rocking size 34 jeans on my 90 lb frame
  13. Yep.. Dez is a fucking freak of nature. I think the Giants had him in mind 1st when they drafted prince.
  14. Agreed. So let's see how the guy performs... and what level he reaches ... but not just in year 1. We think we got a steal... I know that because that's what most analysts said... and since I got a different day job, I trust their judgment when it comes to football... besides I feel that pic was more geared towards shutting down your freak WR.. (sorry his name escapes me)
  15. Then that settles it. Look I know some people like to talk trash.. I'm not one of them (unless I wanna bust your chops)... the truth is the Cowboys were great in the 90s.. n we hated them... and most of America hates them because they were arrogant pricks... Emmit Smith always talked smack everytime he scored... and that's why those very fans are enjoying the train wreck that's been the Cowboys... it's great entertainment... nothing brings a Philly fan and a Giant fan together... nothing.. except a train wreck that Jerry Jones built. And I say that with nothing but love bro
  16. At THIS point in time.. and over the past decade Which is and has been the better team.. Giants or Cowboys? Seriously Cowboyz, badegg, and Dog?
  17. Or the 10 worst sportswrath posters to have at least 17,000 posts
  18. What celebrity? He's only that in the eyes of Jets fans because prozac alone doesn't do the trick... Everyone else could give two shits about him... and odds are most New Yorkers have more respect for Troy Aikman than that attention whore.
  19. Usually when fans of rival teams dwell on a SB win of a team.. usually it's just sour grapes. Say what you will about Eli Manning but he's a very good.. solid QB. His stats are up there AND he's only getting better.
  20. Na... Their writing is distinct.. the new-comber Cowboyz tends to talk less trash than BadEgg. Either way I like having them on the board.. I wish we have more boys, philly, and skins fans.
  21. He's my big bro.. and yea there's a family secret he's not .. err.. let's say .. well. Just don't tell him I told you But really... it's just trash talk...
  22. ::throws flag:: unnecessary roughness, BIGBLUE01 ...
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