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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Remember when Strahan was fined for not being 5 minutes early? Strahan said it best.. paraphrasing "he if you want the meeting to start at 8:55 then say 8:55"...
  2. No it's not man... I work a living... and I can tell you a boss with no sense of humor is a no go in my book. I'd resign in a heartbeat. Only people who work for a jerk is because they have to.
  3. Think about it.. only 1 out of 32 teams wins it.. I'm not a fan of gurantees.. let your work do the talking. However Tom's attitude is outdated... no one wants to work for a jerk...
  4. I agree with SG here... All things being equal I'd rather play.. (work) for a guy with a sense of humor.. nothing is more annoying than a boss who's too uptight. Yes I'd take Rex over Tom any day.
  5. Nas

    Osi news

    Have to agree here. Football.. probably unlike most other sports is not a one man team.. Osi.. for all he brings to the table has become more of a distraction.. he's good.. which is why we ought to get something in return for him... he's not THAT good for the reasons you stated.. not an every down player.. and vanishes when needed most.
  6. I think we missed out on Vince Young... Granted Eli is durable..
  7. As a great Sporswrathian once said: Jack vs Logic
  8. I wouldn't go that far bro. That LB picked us... and he may turn out to be a very pleasant surprise. I'm one of those who wanted Plax... bad. At the end of the day it didn't work out.. come to think of it.. Plax didn't care about us fans and signed with the Jets... I'm a Giants fan.. and the jets always felt like the noisy neighbor vying for attention. So I guess Plax is happy where he is and we're happy where we are.. may the best team win.
  9. I feel exactly the same way... my god it's like fuckin musical chairs... in hyper speed. I know it's gonna feel weird not seeing Richie in the line.. dude was tough as nails.
  10. $3M guaranteed.. that's probably where it came down to. We needed Plax more.. seeing what the Eagle's have done defensively... but oh well.
  11. Smith won't be ready.. at least we have to plan for the worst.. besides I think the Giants fared better in 4 WR sets (I don't have stats to back it up.. it's just been my observation.
  12. If he does, I will mark this as Reese's failure.
  13. After the roller coaster at the position last year.. we all should be ecstatic.
  14. Amen to that. And we had them beat last year too.. damn.
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