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Everything posted by Nas

  1. My biggest compalint against the Giants.. their conditioning program sucks... Pulled hammies.. ruptured achilles .. torn quads.. can be mostly eliminated by incorporated a yoga class once if not twice a week... what's so hard about stretching for 45 minutes twice a week.
  2. He's a cool kid. And he brings entertainment.. by way of trash talk.
  3. That's usually who trash talks though.. fans of winning teams don't have to.
  4. Jack you forgot to add to your post.
  5. Dude, I love seeing you here... I love having fans of other teams participate.. but I also love reason. Trash talk doesn't fly. The Giants have issues.. what team does not? No TE? Really.. who did we have before? was he a top 10 TE? I ceretainly don't think so.. the Giants seldom use the TE anyway.. and we have a guy named Bear who actually impressed a few of us more than Boss did. Don't take me wrong.. I loved Boss because he was a team player and played with heart.. but the sky is not falling. Steve Smith is injured.. he will rejoin us and the WR position is the least of our worries. Eli has already earned his stripes... the quiet classy QB we have is better than any choker your team can ever field. The article you posted is from a loud mouth who sees skin color.. sadly. That has been my impression of that dude for years now. So Manning might've not wanted Plax back... evidently he knows a lot more about Plax and his work ethic than we all do... many of us were rooting for Plax but hey.. Manning has his say and what he says goes. Maybe you should take a page from the Giants' playbook on how to handle rogue players. Osi may very well be back with the team after his childish antics.. and if he isn't.. we have enough DE's to smother your O all day long.
  6. No need for Osi to sign anything.. latest news is he's going to Atlanta for a "second opinion" on his knee.. and if he gets a clean bill of health, he'd rejoin the Giants.... a ploy to save face is what seems but oh well.
  7. I used to think that when I was 7. Sorry Jack.. Logic (thanks Tree ) says otherwise
  8. Wow.. talk about a team player.. wow. I'm shocked.
  9. Kay was asking about the LB not the FB.. I'm still a nervous wreck because I don't know how the team is gonna jell with all the new pieces.. but I guess that goes for every team
  10. Windows 7 here.. no biggie.
  11. Stop yelling at me P.S. I had it sitting there but there's no movement.. all greyed out.
  12. Thanks Lug... btw the vid you posted is blank
  13. Where do you read this? ::a glimmer of hope::
  14. Don't think it's just one factor.. but for some reason I'm not too optimistic about the season. Am I alone? It maybe other unrelated factors.. but like I said I'm pessimistic.
  15. Exactly... case in point: Strahan played lights out when he sat out the summer.. we won the SB that year.
  16. Jesus can we see the guy actually play before we ax him?
  17. I'm aware and it's not like they can't just cut the guy like it's the norm. The fact this guy waited till his contract is over and got injured during that last year says the FO should do right by him.. sign him and call it a day on this season.. if it means he hits the injured reserves or PUP or whatever I'm all for it.. I just don't want to see him unemployed after what he's shown.
  18. Of course he can. We're talking a few games he'll miss this season... I just don't see us bashing Osi for his antics while looking the other way when the FO doesn't accommodate an all around great player like Smith.
  19. And look at he's gone about his business.. he didn't cry a river when there's 2 or even 1 year left on his contract.. he got on the field and played... and now it's time for the FO to show loyalty.. injured or not.. the guy is a stand up player and rare by today's standards.
  20. I don't understand the panic around the TE position...
  21. I like Smith. The dude is basically the anti-Osi. I see him in Giants uniform for years to come.. at least I'm hoping.
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