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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Jack, can you spare some of that TRT cream?
  2. According to Jack Logic, you do
  3. Clearly Tuck is fed up with Osi's antics.. and who can blame him.
  4. I'm covering for Jack today this morning. Jack wasn't feeling too well after Saturday's game.
  5. Nas


    The Giants Organization has been VERY good to its players. They took care of Strahan when he demanded a huge payday.. the difference between him and Osi is.. he'd earned it. The redskins tend to overpay... the Eagles signed a guy who has a serious injury.. they can afford to gamble.. we coudn't afford the guy... period.
  6. Which is why I think if we make the playoffs it will be one and done... the GB game was a miracle... thanks to Tynes (not a compliment)
  7. A long shot.. maybe one of you can help.. where do I go to test if I can be any good at kicking? I know I had the leg strength and accuracy but never really kicked in a real game situation..
  8. Nas

    Last Night

    Jim, The D as a whole played very well against the run (please correct me if after you view the game again to see if I'm wrong). but our pass D was atrocious at what seems to be the LB level... no surprise there.
  9. After reading the article in the NY Daily News this morning.. I couldn't help but shake my head... especially at this:
  10. Nas

    Last Night

    Osi is more than expendable... I think the Giants should just cash in and trade him while he has some value.. although I'm sure they tried but no one wanted to pay the price... too bad AZ gave up their pix to Philly for Kolb Eli was Eli... I wasn't impressed.. he seems to really suck when it's raining or when it's cold.. The OL did look out of sync but I guess that's what the preseason is for.. Hey Aaron Ross... learn how to fucking tackle dude.. seriously.. I can tackle better than that.. with no pads. and I'm half your size... Tynes... dude sucks. Did we have a return game? Not that I saw. We gave up long passes... don't know what to make of that.. our run D looked good for the most part... Cam Newton looks good.. but seriously JPP looks like a fuckin monster out there.. I'm sure teams will be double teaming his ass going forward... Canty looked good but I've known him to be inconsistent and fails to show up when we need a stop.. hopefully he continues to be a force or.. that Rookie is waiting on the wings.. between Canty and Osi we can save a lot of cap room... What else?... WRs.. seems Hixon is clutch.. Thomas looks good too.. didn't see much of Cruz early on.. but they all need more reps to get into a rhythm... Won't read too much into the first preasason game though.. more than I already did
  11. kinda... he slid with his knees lol
  12. Thank you Mr Obvious. I mean... professor
  13. The punt was good.. he pretty much pinned him against the sidelline.. they didn't say how long the punt was.. but it looked pretty good. I'm rooting for Dodge. P.S. Our OL ain't looking good
  14. Nope.. nothing is more important than one's health.
  15. He has valid points.. I just think he's a bit on the pessimistic side.. I was there a couple of days ago.
  16. Your concerns are reasonable.. and to me.. it's a matter of the glass is half full or half empty.. our problem was the cap. We just couldn't sign or resign people we wanted to. The star we lost was really Cofield.. and the FO believes we have to young stud DTs in waiting... and Canty better perform or he's gone next season.. matter of fact if those 2 young DTs perform as expected, he's gone anyway... Smith? We (I know I did) wrote him off for this season anyway.. correct me if im wrong but wasn't he a rookie when we won the SB? and we do have WRs who can step up...Boss was a middle of the pack TE whom we couldn't pay as much as Oakland (who always overpays) paid him. And by no means the roster is finalized... I really don't think think Boss is better than Bear Pascoe.. with more reps, he may turn out to be even better... That being said.. it all came down to our cap situation... our FO didn't mismanage the cap, we just have some very solid players already.. and we're built for the long haul. Reese has had a very good record since he took over... and for that alone we should cut him some slack.
  17. Disagreed. Just because a team doesn't make a lot of moves in FA, it doesn't mean they're weak. The steelers hardly made any... I'm not saying we're going to go 16-0 but we're not gonna have a losing season.
  18. If the Giants deny the Eagles trip to the SB, then the season is a success.
  19. The Giants are going by what the doctors say.. and doctors like to play it safe... The Eagles and Smith go by adrenaline... could he be coming back sooner and plays fine? Yes.. will he be 100%.. FUCK NO.
  20. Let's see if he can develop something with Vick who will be running for his life most of the time anyway. The Giants figured out Vick last year and the rest of the league followed suite.
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