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Everything posted by Nas

  1. http://twitter.com/#!/Giants That's a step.
  2. I agree with your first paragraph. After reading about how important and difficult long snapping is.. I'm wondering if the league can make the position a bit safer..
  3. thanks to both you for bringing that memory back
  4. I don't know man.. sounds like a pretty harsh accusation. I'm beginning to think the game should get canceled if Irene is anywhere near New York/New Jersey.
  5. Now if a player gets injured on the 36th play, Jim is going to be really :furious:
  6. Osi should not be back till after the bye. I don't care how he feels.
  7. Because you feel the need to contribute
  8. Nas


    Speaking of the Hurricane Bowl.. chance of injuries are much higher.
  9. wow that sucks.. especially for him regardless of the NFL.
  10. Kindda hard to do when you have to peel yourself off the turf after Tuck and JPP just pancaked you... I officially can't stand the Jets.
  11. I was happy to see that.. so they can fix it by the time those throws matter.
  12. That got on my nerves and the very thought of it (Thanks Z ) makes my blood boil.
  13. I'm not to high on Ross.. I too have been waiting for him to live up to his 1st round pick status to no avail. him being often injured is not merely bad luck... if I was an professional athlete, and I'm often injured with the same type of injuries (pulled groin) I'd make sure to focus on that part of the body and see if I can cut down... errr.. regular stretching. He hasn't. I can't say I don't like him though.
  14. That's true. And Ross is a very adequate CB. It just sucks because guys like Austin and Prince are just delaying their development but that's part of the game we all have to accept.
  15. You can add the Pectoral Muscle injury to the list of injuries (Hammy, Quad, Groin) that can be almost eliminated with proper (regularly scheduled) stretching (i.e. Yoga Classes). Like I said before I woudln't be too upset with injuries sustained in collisions.. etc but these kind of injuries can be reduced a great deal with proper conditioning.
  16. Man I just want the fuckin season to start already... Seriously these injuries are fucking ridiculous...
  17. You're a fuckin tool Jack for a moment I wonder who the fuck Austin Powers played for
  18. I guess that's a good way to look at it.
  19. So .. is it too early to feel down still?
  20. Jim (and I for that matter) have every right to be angry. It makes a whole lot of sense that after your star CB went down, you're supposed to protect who's left of your arsenal. TC, in my book, has been way past the times... but oh well.
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