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Everything posted by Nas

  1. I was never one of those who bashed him for that kick.. yes the kick shouldn't have gone to Jackson but he was just the last straw in a series of fuck ups. I felt bad for the kid and didn't think he'd make it.. So count me in as one of those who's firmly on Dodge's bandwagon.
  2. You probably won't find it on the local listings since the game was moved to that spot.
  3. Can't be worse than an undrafted rookie who didn't cut it with the rams.
  4. A rookie that went undrafted that didn't cut it with rams. Sorry but I'm not exactly looking at this with a glass half full.
  5. Can someone fill me in as to why Rolle is talked about as a CB now when we signed him as a stud safety?
  6. Hey Jack, if you still have that cream n have no use for it, I'd like to try it
  7. You kindda solidified my point. TT was the starter over Ross for a reason. Ross never lived up to his draft position. What ticks me off about Ross is he has the talent.. and it's not like he has a full time job somewhere else. Being in top shape to do his job..is his job. I'm surprised no one is taking a page of Toomer's playbook. When he saw age was creeping up on him and injuries became more frequent.. he went a head and slimmed down, changed his workout routine to incorporate yoga/stretching (I know this because he told me this personally).
  8. Why is there such a big deal out T2's performance? The way I see it he was a starter over Ross for a reason. The guy was a solid CB. We're lucky in the sense we have good back ups.. well a 1st rounder who hasn't lived up to his draft position... but who's solid nonetheless... a guy with a ton of talent but unmotivated .. maybe the contract year changes that... and who's injury prone because he lacks the discipline to realize if you keep pulling the same fucking muscle, then maybe you ought to focus on it but stretching it regularly.. it's always a pulled groin or a pulled quad or hammi.. the 3 out of 4 regular injuries that can be avoided with regular stretching and conditioning.. the 4th being Pectorial muscles.
  9. I think it mostly comes down to Eli.. how Eli plays determines our fate... of course that can be said for any QB but Eli is different.. Eli has flashed brilliance... he has shown he can be an Elite QB... problem is to reach Elite Status you have to be consistent. Just observing Eli I see he fucks up most when his body is cold... that's not true 100% but most of the time.. and that goes for most athletes. When the Giants go 3 and out and I see Eli just sitting on the bench it bugs me because him not staying warm makes his throws more erratic. The 2nd part is his mechanics. When the throws the ball with zip, it gets there.. hits its target... when he floats it.. it's a coin flip. Jim, the 4 teams you mentioned on our schedule that would be tough, I'm sure they're looking at their schedule and are saying the same thing about us. in that respect I'm not worried. I don't think Tynes will stay on the roster especially if this new guy kicks like he's been kicking and Dodge (poor kid was shit on as though he lost us the Eagles' game.. which he did not)... Dodge is playing lights out. I love our new center.. this guy is a mean fuck lol. The way he clobbered that Chicago defender then took down two more players with him was a thing of beauty. T2 was great for us but Ross aint that far behind... especially now that he's in a contract year.. he better play with a fire under his ass. The way I see it... Eli Eli Eli.... that's our season.
  10. wow that's around the time I was partying up. I popped E before smoking weed and it was the greatest feeling ever. Exit was full of Asian dudes n white chicks... Asian chicks were hard to find. But I know those with glow stick used always .. you know.. rave or whatever they call it... in front of me. man I miss those days. P. S. I was a little diesel dude who resembled GI Joe more than anything lol
  11. I like this thread. Great insight from Jack and B25. Treehugger absorbed Osi's assault quite nicely.
  12. Jack, you're officially this board's crazy uncle. And I love it
  13. Drunk/Stoned Asians are the funniest Years ago during my college days I was at club exit... and I was passig thru the dance floor I was surrounded by at least 8 Asians who were on E and god knows what else.. they formed a circle around me and began bowing like they were worshiping me... I was speechless... stopped for a minute and realized they don't mean no harm.. and continued walking lol.
  14. For all intents and purposes he's done. To bad for him so I hope he has saved most of what he made so far.
  15. Jack, You have an amazing ability at stating the obvious but making completely sound authentic and new. Although I don't know who has accused JPP of anything...
  16. Because he may just be our Ray Lewis. AND he catlic
  17. lmao. I've been mistaken for Rican, Dominican, Italian, Jewish, and even Black..
  18. Yea but whoever wrote it really unleashed on the guy.. dimwit.. numbskull
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