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Everything posted by Nas

  1. We're not talking changing the play book here.. instead of "Rocket" call it "Ham Sandwich" done.
  2. I think ti's because they kept running that quick toss which infuriated me since it's susceptible to INT going back the other way.
  3. Using that theory Gilbride has erectile dysfunction
  4. Eli has earned his stripes.. he can easily tell Gilbride to stfu.. but he doesn't. He's the teams captain and needs to act like it... but he isn't.
  5. Same mistakes from last year.. so yea..
  6. And don't know what those years are or were... were they worse than the Dave Brown years?
  7. That's because you don't live in NY. Giants fans are cool and down to earth (I know I'm generalizing).. we walk around knowing our team has been pretty good and when we suck it's for a year or to... Jets fans are envious obnoxious pricks... It's like they have penis envy... Fuck the Jets. I hate them more than I hate the Eagles
  8. I was rooting for both teams to lose... I didn't want Dallas to win since they're in our division... fuck the Jets.
  9. It's not about jumping ship.. it's about seeing the same bullshit year in and year out.. it's about stupid penalties.. delay of game... leading with a helmet.. throwing a pass to the wrong fucking team... no one is jumping ship.. we're all Giants fans and when the team underformrs we are rightfully upset.
  10. Welcome back Cowboyz. Maybe you have to get the trash talking out of your system... My best friend (a boys fan) called me to talk smack about the Giants losing.. I didn't pick up for the first time in years.. I was too upset. Then he texted me late night to tell me how upset he is.. I don't know why I'm saying this.. I'm still fucking mad.
  11. I do.. because that surgery should have been performed in January.
  12. Oh I'm sorry.. we only lost half of our defensive starters for the season due to injuries... Osi decided to have surgery right before the season.. and we only lost to the fuckin redskins.. to fucking Grossman... not saying the skins suck.. but we lost because we sucked... Eli only handed them a fucking touchdown... and Rolle handed them a 1st down. What's there to be positive about?
  13. It will cheer me up. This has been my face since sunday ~~~>
  14. Osi is sick in the head... he had the offseason to heal up .. what happened?
  15. What do you have against assholes and morons?
  16. Sorry guys I'm not getting over this loss till we win next week... Since the loss I've been feeling down and angry... and I blame the Giants.. namely Rolle, Eli, Gilbride, Fewel, and TC. Rolle is over-rated Eli is mediocre.. the other 3 suck balls.
  17. No.. anytime you hit the knee cap at that angle it's going to hurt like a bitch.. you'd limp for a day or two and then you'll be fine.. it's just a bruise.
  18. I think losing Spags did us in. The nightmare that was Sheridan and now the nightmares that's not our conditioning and Special teams having gone away..
  19. Exactly. Funny how we let Fox then Spags walk away.
  20. I'm just tired of old farts rotating between teams.. We need young blood on that team... TCs antics are fucking childish... Gilbride sucks and Fewel is nowhere near Spags or Fox's levels.. And don't even get me started about special teams and conditioning...
  21. No bro.. Hakeem's knee hit it right on.. trust me I've had my share of injuries.. those hurt... he'll be aight though
  22. should change his name to Kerryisanoldman
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