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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Agreed on all counts. Granted that was Jones' first game...
  2. This team has a ton of talent and coaches that suck... ST Coach as to go too.
  3. I don't think you do either.. I just wanted to modify what BB01 said...
  4. Yes it would in the sense that Tuck is the best player on this team.. hands down. And having 2 extra experienced players there for the rotation keeps everyone fresh..
  5. I don't really know what this stokely move is about.. no fucking clue. I guess it can't hurt but I don't think it will change anything.
  6. What about Jonas Seawright?
  7. Come on bro.. it's a joke.. besides what's wrong with Jack? Personally.. he's one of my favorite posters. And so are you for that matter
  8. 239.. having said that Jack is untouchable. You mess with Jack, you mess with me
  9. Fine.. let me rephrase that... the first boom is Kerrigan taken down.. if that doesn't happen it's a broken play... throw it away and live another down.
  10. Then we will agree to disagree. I think there's a split second where you can see the first boom took place.. or.. didn't. loss of down over a pick 6.
  11. More than 5 times in an entire half.. yea.
  12. I know it was a timing play... Still you have to make sure the first boom took place before the 2nd boom.
  13. I still blame Eli.. he threw the ball into Kerrigan's (sp) face mask.
  14. I'm no longer down on TC (except for his sideline antics but I guess that's his personality).. As Jim said though.. our Coordinators are atrocious.. we have a ton of talent and horrible coordinators.
  15. The thing is we were running the ball rather successfully...
  16. If you remember during the game thread I was because we seem to be a pass happy team.. our run game was working.. yet running was optional. I kept wondering why we're not running the ball... NY Post Article
  17. I think I've developed some kind of defense mechanism where I forget games.. I know we played the skins and we lost.. that's it.
  18. Havn't read much of the board today.. but yea.. he dropped a pass.. blame it on jitters.
  19. I'm sure most of us felt the same way about the Skins.. besides it's really the Giants that scare us.
  20. If you lived in Long Island you would too.
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