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Everything posted by Nas

  1. That's why he's a McNabb killer not a Vick-Killer
  2. H will get a kick out of this.. I'm hoping to see what Scott can do.
  3. Are you and SMDF now roommates?
  4. How do I know.. i'm hoping Pdoub posts the active roster whenever they make it available.. the list that says who's playing n who isn't. I'm not gonna sit here and guess. Ok I'll bite.. I think Manningham plays.. total guess on my part.. but if he doesn't then we're looking at Nicks Cruz and Stokley? Is that his name.
  5. We do. Our hearts are with him of course. I can't think of anyone on this board, BadEgg and The Dog included who doesn't respect Tuck. We with him well. Sorry for using "we" instead of "I".. but I think I'm right.. on this one.
  6. Look I totally see what you're saying.. stats mean something.. but this rivalry deosn't operate on the same wave length. Like I said I am nervous
  7. Or we can unleash BJ to demolish them, Ahmed to dazzle them and Scott to burn them. I think we take this one.. Monday is my fucking birthday for god's sake.. and I ain't ever asked for anything... I'm sure asking for this one.. and I'm a nervous wreck over it.
  8. I think the Dog brings up some good points.. I think where he loses crdibility is hatred or at least perception of hatred towards the NY Giants.. who have in fact had more success over the last dacade than all other NFC East teams.. and have been rather good in all three decades.. winning a SB in each. That is undeniable. In his defense I like his criticism of the Giants even when I feel it's not fair. Allstar Jim is a true fan and a very knowledgeable one. As I always say the trio of Fish, BB25, and Jim are heavy weights. I'm sure there are others out there but the point is.. Jim is almost always spot on. I learn more from Jim than ready the daily news or the post or anything else out there. Peace in the Middle East
  9. Mik, I think Eli just started the season slow... I feel it took him a game and a half to do so.. hopefully he can build on his success in the 2nd half against the rams and ram the Eagles.
  10. Egg, Eli get more composure in his left toe nail than Romo ever will... say what you will about Eli but the kid can bring it.
  11. Egg... the cowboys will be rooting for the Giants this week.. oddly enough everyone things the Eagles are the team to beat.. so root for us .. I will return the favor
  12. I could swear I read somewhere the Eagles won against us 12 or 13 str8 in the 70s.
  13. It's funny wife urges to smoke now lol. I only smoked twice over the last 2 weeks after I just felt Ineeded a break. I did last night and I ate alot (I can't eat for shit without).. and it was great after a really good work out.
  14. No she won't. She still has difficulty with the English language and we're pretty conservative socially... I'm lucky she doesn't throw a fit when I smoke weed.. but she sees I can't sleep for shit without it lol
  15. Yep, I will just have to answer the usual questionnaire.. but I should be fine
  16. Rumor has it Rex Ryan took care of that
  17. Thanks Storm. I think we're gonna make the trip when she gets her passport.
  18. An American one? She's not a citizen yet.. will qualify for that in January.
  19. I don't want him to play. He's not ready.. didn't practice either.. an additional week or 2 or even 3 just to be cautious... We need our players fresh in December when we usually collapse.
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