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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Nas

    Steve Smith

    Correct but that's what game-time experience is about. His 2nd TD was a thing of beauty.. he was held before the ball got there.. and he was double-teamed.. still made the catch... and crossed the goal line.. and fucking Eli was throwing the ball with authority... I don't know man.. i highly doubt the Giants don't know about this message board... I have a feeling they're bypassing the troll-filled GMB and come here to see what real fans say.
  2. All the hits were legal.. he would've been smashed if JPP and Tuck weren't held
  3. I think the guy needs a few plays before we can judge him... so far he looks lost.
  4. let's give him more time.. he'll be alright.
  5. I don't recall him saying Eli sucks.. he just doesn't think Eli is Elite. Nonetheless the Boys play the skins tomorrow.. and while I wish both teams lose obviously one will win.. I'd rather the skins win.
  6. Nas

    Steve Smith

    For some reason I feel bad for him... I remember when I was livid when he left.. I said I can't see him with another team.. he just looks out of place... maybe he'll fit in eventually but I don't see it..
  7. Nas

    Steve Smith

    Remember how we all talked about how some of Eli's INTs last year were passes that bounced off the receiver's hands?
  8. I remember the one he cramped up on.
  9. Nas

    Steve Smith

    I gotta say didn't even recognize him... not sure he's happy there... and he's not as valuable to them as he was with us... man I bet its eating him up inside.
  10. He's got a lot to learn.. a few times he pulled an Osi and went too wide allowing McCoy to run thru a huge gap.. but I'm sure that's part of being raw...
  11. I'm concerned with Rolle not keeping his head in the game... we came back in the 2nd half and kicked ass but I can't stand bonehead penalties.
  12. The Gmen don't play tomorrow, Rik. Just sayin'
  13. Yea it looked that way.. and shit like that happens.. at least he made the catch.
  14. Everytime i see this guy Pdoub comes to mind lol
  15. I don't see him as someone who has a glaring problem with dropping passes.. yea he bobbled that pass but he caught the ball.. And Jim.. who knows who reads this board. Watch your back
  16. I know but I'd rather not insult the guy.. no one likes to be called stupid.
  17. I sure hope you're right but I'm not even thinking about the following game...
  18. He's a Giant and I'm understandably protective of him.. and how knows it may very well be a learning disability. I happened to think he's a solid WR.. butter fingers or not.. he hasn't had that many drops... and he's the best we have right now after Nicks.
  19. I'm not sure he can help it.. I thought intelligence is one of those things you either have it or you don't...
  20. stfu Osi . I get a kick out of you getting upset when I say something you disagree with and you proceed to curse me out.. I honestly laugh because I like you... I like to think a a bit seasoned.. the P&R section has taught me a lot.. I don't trash talk.. and I talk to the Dog and Egg and show them respect regardless of whether I agree with what they're saying and/or their style of deliverance... I like to think I'm becoming an elder-statesman .. I defend Jack against the barrage of criticism he gets and defend anyone whom I feel is piled on. I think this board is for us to share enjoy.. and even learn from. If this becomes a source of stress, no sense of coming here.. I've gone of my way to intervene either publicly or privately to remove tension between different waring factions and in a lot of ways I credit this board, at least partially, for shaping up my personality.
  21. I like Manningham... I don't know why he gets so much shit from fans.. I guess because he's not a superstar.
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