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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Correct and blame it on age. A few years back I was ironman.. now I wake up.. wake up with something wrong.. and I'm not exactly that far removed from my "younger" years. For someone who didn't play at pro or even collegiate level (had a chance to start for the SJU soccer team but I needed my full time job to make ends meet), I can tell you I've suffered more sports injuries than all of my friends combined... serious ones too.. pulled hammies alone 4 times.. I've had 5 surgeries... 3 broken noses, 1 torn miniscus, and one torn Achellis... and god knows if they need to operate on my neck after my dumb ass tried (although successfully) to tackle a guy 2.5 my size running full speed with the football. So yes, H, I don't understand the dig.
  2. Yea professional athletes who pull hammies and quads etc... they're young and lack that discipline to do so on their own.. Amani Toomer admitted to me personally he felt the need to change his regimen... but that's beyond the point..
  3. Don't understand the dig but ok.. I'll bite: My knee issue is hardly recent... torn miniscus is from overuse. For a small guy I'm overly agressive and didn't have surgery till 3 years after the pain started.. and became unbearable... of course you can also credit the doctors who would recommend an x-ray and see nothing. I had to insist on an MRI.. and that's what showed multiple tares in my left knee... had the surgery back in 2004.. wasn't myself for a year. The Achilles was a bitch of an injury.. I've always wanted to incorporate yoga into my regimen but when you work 8 am to 6 pm on average.. and have daily migraines.. not to mention the gym offered one class at 6 pm.. it made it that much more difficult.. as in.. I'm not a professional athlete.. I need my full time job to pay my bills.. for players in pro-sport IT IS THEIR JOB to say fit and well conditioned.
  4. Correct, my yoga group would limit the number of pulled hamis, quads, groins and pectoral injuries. Conditioning on the other hand and shying away from aggressive defensive posture are whole other issues.
  5. Nas

    Victor Cruz

    My best friend (the cowboys fan) kept texting me with "smh" every time the cowboys offense looked lost... P.S. smh = shaking my head.
  6. You talk too much shit instead of being reasonable, Egg. My friend, who's a boys, fan talk all the time.. of course he things Dallas should be 3-0... but hey as a Giant fan I feel the same way about my team. I don't know how old you are but I'll guess you're in your early 20s and got a lot to learn.. debating is an art.. let's minimize the trash talk and focus on facts.
  7. We simply don't know Jack. I like our depth in almost every position.. I can not think of any team in the NFL that can weather the rash of injuries, season ending no less, that this team has had to deal with this early on in the season... T2 went down.. boom Ross shook off the rust and seems to have covered the position nicely... Goff.. no problem 2 rookies growing before our eyes... Osi.. no problem JPP is even better... not sure if I left off any starters but hey.. this team is deep... while teams like the Eagles focused on skill positions.. glamor positions.
  8. I correctly pointed out JPP was taking too wide an angle defending the run allowing McCoy to run in the gap he left... of course I wasn't blaming the guy knowing he's young/raw and will learn... he's a freak now.. I can only imagine the future. P.S. Unrelated but I'd love to see McCoy in Blue.
  9. I would agree with that.. even if he's ready to come back before then.. let's take the safe route and not pull what the cowboys are doing with Romo... Speaking of which Vick declared he's "fine" and 100% ready for next game.. this tells me he's exaggerating his injuries to get whiny brownie points for being a tough guy... fuck off.
  10. http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/7030180/new-york-giants-mario-manningham-osi-umenyiora-cleared-limited-practice disclaimer: I haven't read the full article yet.
  11. So.. we gonna beat them twice.. what's the problem?
  12. Ahmad Bradshaw IS taking care of the of the ball.. he's holding it high and tight.. and on this run.. he switches arms and stiffs the Eagle defender forcefully.. GET OFF ME!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8EcOoSlVhY
  13. Nas

    Victor Cruz

    And this is the photo shown when the work is complete
  14. Nas

    Victor Cruz

    Never made that mistake . See my Skins vs Boys thread in the GD section. The boys and the Eagles are two teams I want to go 0-17 every season.. that's right 0-17.. as one Sportswrather put it "I want them to suck so bad they get credited with a loss during the bye"
  15. I'm glad we get GB.. to be the best.. you gotta beat the best.
  16. Will Beatty... has this guy been solid so far or what?
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