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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Kindda like getting nervous... kicking the ball is a lot like throwing a baseball.. the more relaxed your arm is (when throwing a baseball) the farther and faster the ball goes. One of my ex-bosses was a pitcher and he said to hold the ball like an egg... same concept goes with leg... If you really try to boom the ball and end up tighting your leg muscles, it becomes counter-productive.
  2. Pathetic indeed. As we were walking out of the stadium after we beat Atlanta, some Atlanta fans were getting heavily booed... I told those fans to "relax".. sure enough they stopped.. but it was never as atrocious as coming within an inch from a dude's face... oddly enough the Atlanta fan was wasted and was congratulating us and wanted us to kick Rodgers' ass... all the fans who were booing may have only heard "Rodgers" and assumed the guy was talking shit.
  3. Shit I didn't know he was the guy who made that fucking call on Hamilton... wtf. However my guess everyone will be watching the refs too...
  4. I don't think I paid attention to refrees' names.. till this week. Is that the old guy who's built? If so, I think he's super.
  5. Laws of physics man... the trigectory of the ball... If you try to aim the ball high from the get-go then expect a really high kick without much distance (kindda like my 20 yeard punts). I think Tynes sucks but that FG beging blocked was not his fault.
  6. Over the years I've learned to look past the final score... Yes we won.. you bet your ass I was happy... I wasn't too thrilled with how open those receivers were... luckily passes were dropped... meaning there's work to be done still.. relying on the other team fucking up is not a good strategy.
  7. Those of us who witnessed the offseason knew Reese's hands were tied with the cap... most of us were upset when Smith went to the Eagles.. till we found out Smith didn't afford the organization a chance to match.. he basically gave us the middle finger... What has changed for us is the offense... Eli is playing like a man possessed... Nicks is playing physical (after the Redskins game.. I swear it feels someone was reading this baord)... and Cruz has been a pleasant surprise... Our D is loaded with talent... and my gripe with Fewel is he's not maximizing on that talent... I'm not sold on Fewel... take a way a few dropped passes in the GB game and we're fucking toast. Those receivers were wide fucking open.. and Rodgers picked up what seems to be like a 100 first downs. When evaluating the team, I don't want winning to blind us from seeing falut lines.. and Fewel to me is a weak link... he's no Fox and he's no Spags... we ended the season 9-7... hardly anything to cheer about.. and if it wasn't for the O, we maybe talking draft... top 10 if you ask me. Just look at Wade Phillips was able to do in Houston... don't tell me the Texans have better talent on their D than ours... to warrant 2nd ranked D vs.. whatever the fuck we're ranked defensively.
  8. I wouldn't go that far.. he's been solid though.
  9. I think.. probably have said this before it's going to come down to Nicks coming up big... no dropped passes... totally being physical.
  10. I declined an invite to watch the game with some dudes I never met before.. except for the kid who invited me.. I do better from my own living room.. with my wife occasionally recording my antics (without my knowledge) on her iTouch lol.. I was amazed at how tense I was. The funny shit is when my wife called a friend of hers whose husband is a die hard boys fan and was rooting for GB.. my wife called her to talk shit.. mind you neither one knows what a first down is
  11. Our Defense went from bad to mediocre.. hardly an endorsement for Fewel. Seeing what Phillips has done with the Texans is nothing short of amazing... I'm tired of not having a steady DC... say what you will about Gilbride but he's steady.. and our O is reaping the results... Upgrade the DC position and this team is top 5 in the league... GB shot themselves in the foot.. There were times when I was screaming at the TV because Rolle didn't seem to react when the ball is already in the air... only for it to hit a wide open receiver...
  12. He flops like a motorcyclist... nothing tensed up.. nothing breaks.. i'm just glad he's holding on to the football still lol
  13. Alex Smith can be had... The X factor is Eli... let's make it happen.
  14. I agree with you on all three points and Thank you... maybe you should rename yourself to Giantz at least till the season is over
  15. As goofy as he looks when he gets hit.. it seems manning is so in rythem he hardly feels pressure... lol
  16. I think it has a lot to do with The Dog vs The Rest of the Board.
  17. I never lost sight of how different the outcome of this game might've been very different... if it weren't for the dropped passes... Those receivers were mostly open...I don't recall us sacking Rogers with a DL till late in the game... I don't if GB OL is just that good but damn... and maybe they were holding and playing dirty.. but damn.. the DL wasn't as physical as they should've been.. and neither was the OL in terms of opening up running lanes or protecting Eli from all those hits.. illegal as they may have been. Let's not fool ourselves... our Strength is in Eli, Nicks, and Cruz... in that order. Use them to soften up the front for the running game.. It's not something I wanted to accept but for whatever reason we're not a good running team.
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