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NYG Hampton 27

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Everything posted by NYG Hampton 27

  1. In both games, they will give updates on the other game so DVRing it will be ruined. There's going to be a lot of Picture in Picture tonight.
  2. The DL got zero pressure. It would have helped to have Phillips, Ross and Boley; but with no pass rush, its tough for any pass defender.
  3. Man that was an ass kicking. The only positive is Hixon back to returning kicks and doing it well. But all other aspects of the game were dominated.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNhoUQAo1u8
  5. I can't stand him, he's awful. Losing Tyree for that bum infuriates me.
  6. Good thing I'm home on LI this weekend.
  7. That was a real nice catch and run by Nicks. Eli's got a 'bruised heel.' No idea what that means, but its got to be better than an achilles injury.
  8. Ha, indeed. I'd like to see some more though.
  9. Tynes blows, Smith is nasty. Lets get some more sacks.
  10. I hope he did it, it would be 'out of character', but that would make it more cool.
  11. I usually wouldn't want to see someone get hurt, but I'd like to see that fat fuck tear his knee apart.
  12. I heard that Feagles goes berserk in the locker room before games.
  13. This move makes absolutely no sense to me. Unless they expect Tyree to be out for a good portion of the season with injury, cutting him and keeping Moss is absurd.
  14. I'll never forget the play where his shin touched the ground but his knee didn't. One of the most amazing things I've ever seen on the field, ironically I'm pretty sure it was against the Chiefs.
  15. I don't think thats true, its not like baseball pitchers. QBs can come in and out of the game. Like when Lorenzen went in and out on a couple of 4th and 1's.
  16. After a little research, I found out it's definitely the record for MNF; I'm pretty sure its the Giants' record as well. And I found the video! 90 yards! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG4nfnBokvQ
  17. Agreed, and regardless of whether its a 2 yard run or a 20 yard run, he's pushing, churning and working his ass off. You never see the wheatley/dayne run into the pile and fall bulshit, which I do sometimes see out of Jacobs, every time he touches the ball, Bradshaw is working his ass off, and it pays off and definitely shows.
  18. This reminds me of the ex-Giants punter, Rodney Williams, who was the second fastest guy on the team to Ron Dixon. I remember he dropped a snap and then picked it up and raced past the defense for a first down, damn he was fast.
  19. I believe Chase made the tackle on the opening kickoff, but I don't remember him doing anything after that. Ware had a great catch and run; he was solid otherwise. Bradshaw and Sintim stole the show.
  20. Bradshaw is the man. I'm so pumped to see him kick ass this year.
  21. He was pretty bad on MNF, good on weekend update though (of course he was no Norm...) I said in the game thread how I liked the addition of Gruden. And I've always liked Jaws as a commentator. I think this trio will be very good this year.
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