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NYG Hampton 27

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Everything posted by NYG Hampton 27

  1. what a couple of TOOLS I know we ended Jaworski's career and LT tortured him but what did we ever do the Chrissy Carter? LOL They are so anti Giant they make utter fools of themselves
  2. I asked a friend about that, he put this together quick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_jH551IsNQ
  3. Cruz's highlights from last night are here: http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2010081651/2010/PRE1/giants@jets#tab:watch
  4. Yo gotta pay the troll toll to get into that boys soul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ8G2s--1zA
  5. Shit, well played. Sucks for him though
  6. I think he meant the draft was a fail, not the thread. Its a good thread; I could be wrong though...
  7. I think he'll be back this season. And what's with the Yes and No answers not corresponding between the title and question, its gonna sway the data!!
  8. Hershel Walker? haha just joking You guys think Goff is up for the challenge? I think Goff wouldn't do too bad but the Giants will bring someone in, be it through FA or draft.
  9. I'd like to have Plax back after he gets out. And I think his 18 month sentence was more criminal then his actions.
  10. Didn't expect this. I was surprised last year when Sheridan got promoted instead of him considering the LB vs d-line play. Great thread name.
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