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NYG Hampton 27

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Everything posted by NYG Hampton 27

  1. I believe turf toe is a dislocated big toe, which I imagine would be hell to play on.
  2. Haha. Good to see him step up, they need a spark, because good God...
  3. Webster was great, but so was Jacobs. Best game I've seen from him in a long time.
  4. My mistake, I read it wrong earlier. I thought you had typed "and the dog doesn't agree.", not "and the dog doesn't disagree."
  5. Key word here: group. You are comparing one player to five. By this logic, there should be five lineman on the list for every quarterback.
  6. That's comparing five players to one though; on an individual level, the QB is, IMO, more of a factor than any specific o-lineman.
  7. Namath makes it but Derrick Thomas doesn't?
  8. Yea I see your point. On the field they are very comparable, and considering the Giants gave so much when they could have just drafted Ben, thats a big tip in the scales, but the bringing in off the field behavior I feel the scale tips back Eli's way. I think we both pretty much agree here though, so
  9. I have no issues with your rankings, but the last part about Eli or Ben I have to disagree with. Yes the Giants gave up a lot, but at the end of the day I know Eli will be starting every game he can. I have no concern that he'll get in a motorcycle accident without a helmet or rape a chick and miss time; he'll be there. IMO, the trade is worth it for Eli's character, as opposed to Ben's.
  10. Good for Eli and Abby, Eli seems like such a nice guy; I hope them the best!
  11. Been a while since I've taken an IQ test, does it include punctuation? I'm not someone who ordinarily flames people on the board, but why be a dick here to me? You routinely post idiotic, poorly written shit; then make an IQ joke to me?
  12. I like the Dog, yea he plays devils advocate, but good discussion depends on opposing views. Who his team is really doesn't matter in an discussion about the Giants. I mean sure, if he is a Dallas fan and is just irrationally talking down on Eli or something like that, thats pretty shitty, but from what I've read he backs his stuff up with his own certain critiques, whether we agree with them or not.
  13. 2 FFs in each of the last 3 games, damn. Thats awesome.
  14. NYG Hampton 27


    I loved the play before the tip when he filled the hole on the run. That was AWESOME! I want to see more of that.
  15. About 20 seconds in... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJU9JQ5-A3w&feature=related
  16. False. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhGipxrD2Ck&p
  17. I think this is the most compelling argument. When people compare one player from one generation to another player in another generation, they usually disregard stats (number of games, different styles of play etc), and talk about dominance of the sport when he played. Flat out, for Tiki's 10 years in the league, statistically he was dominant. And for the last 7 or 8 years, he was just plain dominant.
  18. I'm not so sure about that, I think Gruden realizes he has a great, stress free job, where he gets paid a ton, and gets to talk about/focus on football year round. Honestly, it IS the perfect job.
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