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Everything posted by mastershake

  1. That shouldn't be an issue. He transferred. Russell Wilson was 24 when drafted too.
  2. So how was Judge able to find ways to utilize Toney (when healthy) but Daboll can't?
  3. It's good not to have Volleyball players playing the TE position for the Giants.
  4. I'm aware of the need to scout, moreso I was trying to gear the thread to who looks good/who doesn't in CFB. I just don't get the hype around Richardson. To me he's not there yet.
  5. He was only in on 7 plays yesterday? What's the deal?
  6. Can't blame the OL for that one. And Jones was starring him down the whole way.
  7. For all that hype he got against Utah, Florida QB Anthony Richardson looked abysmal vs Kentucky. Kentucky QB Will Levis on the other hand continues to impress me. The INT rate isn't ideal but this kid can sling it and has great mobility. I don't get the hype around Richardson. To me he needs another year in CFB and should look at the 2024 draft.
  8. I had to edit my post because it made no sense. Lol. I had to change it to another completely different point.
  9. I thought he was considered a decent draft pick as at the time. Guess not😐
  10. 3 years $36M is around the max I'd go, but I'd pull the trigger on that provided Barkley is healthy for the entire year. Edit: but in those circumstances (healthy and big-time year) I can see some team offering a stupid contract like $100M for 5 yrs or $75M for 4 and him going to another team.
  11. Even if they have monster seasons, to me it's still fools gold and you still move on. #1: Barkley - Even if he has a big year, I hate re signing or signing RBs to big contracts. It never seems to work out. Absolute max I'd be willing to pay is $10-12M per year which is about what Derrick Henry makes, but a monster year for Barkley might see someone paying him $20M. #2: Jones - even if he has a big year, I still don't trust him health or consistency wise, and I don't want to give him a $40M per year contract at least.
  12. Jones also has no future here too, but the problem is there was no easy replacement this year, and drafting a rookie behind this OL and offense would likely be counterproductive. I also don't believe there was a clear franchise QB in this last draft.
  13. 7-10 at best. This is most likely a 4-6 win team. Both the OL and the secondary will be problematic this year. Should have traded Saquon when we had the chance. For anything really. It's pointless to have him on the roster, and he'll likely be injured soon again. At any rate, he has no future on this team.
  14. Giants will likely draft a QB in 2023. If that QB doesn't pan out, if they're in a position, maybe they can try to get Arch in the 2026 draft (I think that would be earliest the year he's eligible). At any rate, counting on being in a draft position or close to it to get Arch is a real leap. We gotta hope the 2023 pick is the guy, and have a plan B and C if not.
  15. Joking aside, this team could easily only win 3-4 games and pick in the top 5.
  16. Well maybe Texas RB Bijan Robinson will fall to us, and we can build the franchise around a RB
  17. I think that's the TE, not that OL the Raiders drafted. Different guy; same name.
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