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Everything posted by mastershake

  1. Nobody doubts his talent and potential, just that we could have traded down and likely still had him later on.
  2. I do think Pugh will be a nice player somewhere on the OL... not dominant, but a consistent starter. The staff thinks he's NFL ready this year. But my problem is #19 was too high for him... we could have traded down and still picked him up.
  3. Blue, I think we all agree on the need for OL, but feel that #19 was far too high for Pugh.
  4. Lol... damn you Blue! I hope I'm wrong on Pugh!
  5. Indeed.... plus, if you're going to pick him, at least trade down and grab some extract picks with it. Jerry Reese duffed this pick. Clearly he wanted one of the other six OL picked above Pugh.
  6. Terrible pick at #19. He's a 2nd rounder at best... could have traded down to pick him.
  7. 3) It's all part of the master plan to drive Bleedin insane
  8. Good to hear Chuck, I look forward to seeing Manning to Myers in action.
  9. Walter and Shiancoe went on to be a starters, just not in NY
  10. Yeah if Dave Brown was really secretly a good QB, just not surrounded by talent on the gmen... someone tell me how his post giants NFL career went...
  11. Chuck! How did you of all people miss that!?!? We now have Myers and Sash... Iowa is slowly taking over.
  12. Definitely have the position priorities pretty well going there. I like it. Alec Olgletree might not be the traditional "fill the hole" thumper LB, but he's probably going to be a nice rangy cover LB. If we were to pig Olgetree, I'd personally want to see us trade down and then pick him. #19 might be a tad high. At this point, I kinda want to discard all my mock drafts on this board - I just have a feeling one good OL will fall to us, or Reese will pick TE Tyler Effeirt. Who the heck really knows. That's the excitement of the draft!
  13. 1989 was a particularly good draft (we're talking 3-4 guys who were starters the following year for a super bowl team): C Brian Williams G Bob Kratch DB Greg Jackson RB Dave Meggett TE Howard Cross DB Myron Guyton
  14. More and more, I'm starting to think one of the top two guards will fall to us in the first round. I wouldn't mind us picking one of them either.
  15. The failure rate of Big 10 RBs on this team is really rather remarkable, especially when you consider the fact that most of the guys on that list were high draft picks: 1st, 2nd or 3rd round picks... .it's not like these guys were late round development prospects, at the time.
  16. Giants drafts are good as long as they follow these guidelines: -The RB is NOT from the Big Ten Conference (Dayne, Wheatley, Bunch, Woolfork, Joe Montgomery, Sean Bennett, Bob Torrey, Gordon Bell). Yes, I went back to the 70's because we seriously have NEVER had one successful RB from this conference. -The player can see out of both eyes (Cedric Jones) -If the player's last name has an inordinate amount of vowels (Umenyiora, Kiwinuka, Amukamara), the player has the potential to be good -Draft a USC Cornerback, as long as you're ok with them having three good years, getting a big contract, and followed by them shortly after suffering a career threatening injury (Terrell Thomas, Jason Sehorn) -Don't draft 3rd rounders from DI-AA schools (Barden Cal-Poly, Jeff Hatch Penn, Shiancoe Morgan St (I know he went on to have a nice career elsewhere) Ron Dixon Lambuth (flash in a pan)) -The player is smart enough to refuse to play for the Chargers -The player is an LBer NOT picked by Jerry Reese -You're not a WR at 5'9 or below with Eli Manning at QB -Player's last name contains the letters 'Manning' (Eli and Mario). -Player has an unusual first name, such as Jumbo or Pepper
  17. The tragedy of that draft was George Young not knowing Cedric Jones was blind in one eye.
  18. I like the mock, except the 81st pick. As a dedicated watcher of Uconn football, I believe Wreh-Wilson is very overrated by most draft boards. I don't quite understand why people are rating this guy so high. Scouts like his height, but that's about all he has. He was really pretty average for Uconn, and the team played in a medicore conference. Plus, vs Louisville, Terry Bridewater lit him up. Wreh-Wilson might fit a zone type scheme where he's protected. If I were an NFL GM, I wouldn't touch him in any round earlier than the fourth, and even then I have my doubts. Frankly, I always thought Dwayne Gratz (the other Uconn CB who's in this draft) was better. I think scouts fell in love with Branding Browner last season (a rare DB) and consequently are falling in love with tall corners - this, to me, is going to result in taller CB's being over drafted, and Wreh-Wilson is no exception.
  19. In the late rounds 6-7th, I think an investment in Marcus Davis is worth it. He was brought to VTech as a scrambling type QB, then switched to receiver. Not only is he a big WR target, he can also potentially run the read option. I'm not saying the read option is going to be the focal point of the gmens offense, but it would provide the gmen with some versatile different looks on offense.
  20. TRADE! Here's the scenario: The 49ers have 13 draft picks. Giants trade 1st rounder #19 and 5th rounder #152 to San Francisco for 1st rounder #31, 2nd rounder #61 and 4th rounder #128 overall. It's a fairly even trade, according to draft value charts (Giants give 907, receive 936 from 49ers) http://www.draftcoun...Value-Chart.php 1st - 31: DE Alex Okafor, Texas 6'5 264 Tuck is frequently injured and is getting old, Kiwi is also getting old, and we need a solid LDE to play opposite JPP. Okafor plays faster than his 40 time, can play both the run and pass, and has the lengthy frame that Jerry Reese covets. 2nd - 49: G/C Travis Frederick, Wisconsin, 6'4 306 A mauler for the interior line. Our entire interior line is aging and it shows, particularly with David Baas who is only adequate and not a long term solution. 2nd - 61: ILB/OLB Sio Moore, Connecticut, 6'1 245 Exceptional athlete and can play inside, outside, plus in coverage. 3rd - 81: S Shamarko Thomas, Syracuse, 5'9 213 4th - 116: OT Reid Fragel, Ohio State 6'8 308 4th - 128: LB Gerald Hodges, Penn St. 6'1 243 6th - 187: CB/FS Micah Hyde, Iowa, 6'1 190 7th - 225: WR Marcus Davis, Virginia Tech 6'3 233 7th - 253: RB Knile Davis, Arkansas 6'0 227
  21. “I thought I was going to still be there, but you never know how things are going to turn out,” he said. “I’m just happy I was able to land on my feet with the Giants. Even though I didn’t play that much last year, it wasn’t due to football injuries. It just came down to me getting sick and me recovering from my surgery. It was nothing to do with on-the-field stuff, so I know I’m perfectly healthy when it comes to playing football.” Mike Patterson Sounds good; I hope he's right and is ready to go. Could be an offseason steal.
  22. Agreed. I still put the chances of another team offering Cruz a deal we can't match at 15%.
  23. http://www.fannation...ign-victor-cruz 01:40 PM ET 03.16 | There are two teams with two first-round picks in the 2013 NFL Draft, the Minnesota Vikings and the St. Louis Rams. According to ESPN's Adam Schefter, neither are expected to sign Giants restricted free agent Victor Cruz to an offer sheet. Cruz received a first-round tender offer from the Giants in restricted free agency, meaning a team would have to give the Giants their first-round pick in the 2013 draft if they signed him to a contract and the Giants did not match. The first-round tender will give Cruz $2.879 million for the 2013 season with the Giants. The rams also signed Long and Jared Cook to big deals, I wonder if they have money to offer Cruz another big deal. http://nfltraderumors.co/nfl-team-cap-space-6/ Before Free Agency, this site indicates they have approximately 11 million in cap room BEFORE all their other signings. This indicates that they can't really front load a deal, or significantly outbid the giants.
  24. Right, it's a top 20 pick, #16 overall I think? This is an expensive proposition for the Rams. I'd be surprised if they offer him a lucrative deal, one which the giants can't match, PLUS such a high draft choice Still, we'll see. #16 overall would be nice compensation if we aren't able to keep Cruz.
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