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Everything posted by mastershake

  1. I think it is time to move on from this coaching staff. Thank them, and ask Coughlin to resign at the end of the season. If he doesn't, fire him.
  2. I think this 20mm 2013 figure needs to be put in a context of Eli's entire contract, and the pay cuts/restructuring he's done already. If you look at 2012, he took a significant pay cut, and deferred the pay to 2013-2014 respectively. http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/new-york-giants/eli-manning/
  3. Another thing I noticed in the clips: It's always interesting to recall just how much lighter players were in the 70's and 80's. They look downright skinny compared to the beefy players today.
  4. I don't understand. Aged QB's is an issue? The guys mentioned above are age 32-33. What about Brees and Peyton Manning? QB life spans are generally longer, and can last through the late 30's.
  5. I'll take either of the top two OT's in this years draft over Clowney actually. OL is the greater need.
  6. Hopefully five offensive guards, six offensive tackles, and nine linebackers.
  7. With the #2 overall selection in the 2014 NFL draft, the New York Giants Select Jadeveon Clowney, Defensive End, South Carolina. http://walterfootball.com/scoutingreport2014jclowney.php
  8. "We did directionally punt better today..." Tom Coughlin, post game press conference.
  9. Hearst and Ricky Williams had good careers, and Reggie Bush is shaping to have a decent career with the Phins and now Lions. I always felt Bush was mis-used and underutilized when with the Saints.
  10. That's 3.5 yards per carry for a team that has no other offense to speak of. I look for Richardson to do big things in Indy. Plus, as far as value for Indy goes, their first round pick is most likely going to be in the 20-32 range, so it may be a solid move on their part; bad move on part of the Browns.
  11. Hindsight is always 20/20. But under Jerry Reese, we've never had a solidified LB corps, whether it's through draft or through FA or a combination of the two.
  12. Two of those three have actually played LB and started in this league, therefore they are not Jerry Reese quality linebackers.
  13. Hasn't played more than 2 snaps per game, and has no starting experience. He's a perfect Jerry Reese Lber
  14. Oh Joemorrisforprez is going to absolutely loooooovvvveee this guy Bradford that Jerry Reese signed to play LB. Bradford has played RB all throughout college, and all three years he's been in the NFL, until only in the winter of 2011 the Seahawks decided to try him at LB.... and we picked him up off waivers from them before he's even had a chance to play LB. I can see Joemorrisforprez banging his head against the wall right now.
  15. Let's not forget that he can block, plus his locker room presence and leadership cannot be understated. These two are reasons enough to have him on the roster, even if he only gets 5-7 carries per game in a rotation role. I do agree with others that the heart of our running game issues will be the OL this season.
  16. I agree that we can't write Wilson off. However, at this stage in his development, what I'm seeing is a guy who is not yet ready to handle the load as a primary back, and instead is best suited for 8-10 carries per game.
  17. I hate to extrapolate from one game, but my take is: - Our offensive line is going to be sub-par at best all season, atrocious at worst. Brewer and Snee looked bad. Pugh is a rookie and is going through growing pains. Baas/Diehl aren't anything to look forward to when coming back from injury. - Our LB's suck, no sugarcoating. And we all knew this. - Interior Defensive Line seems very improved - Give Scott and/or Cox a shot; Wilson should only be used in a rotation role with 8-10 carries per game (not the primary back), and on KR. - WR/TE we already knew was a strength; no issues there - Mundy and TT were positives. - Pass rush was below average last night, but hopefully can get their act together.
  18. Let's also not forget the missed goaline TD because David Wilson doesn't know how to fall forwards on a half yardline run.
  19. Not only six turnovers, but three of which directly led to 17 Cowboy points. That's a huge differential.
  20. http://sports.yahoo....-124623277.html
  21. I think you guys covered what I was going to say. Keith Hamilton was my top choice. Another underrated name, not necessarily the most underrated of all time, but a guy who didn't get enough credit considering the crap he played around: Chris Calloway. Basically, but also sadly, the most consistent Giants receiver of the 90's (I exclude Toomer because he didn't get good until 99 and 2000). Calloway gets credit for having also played through our mid-late 90's shit QBs Dave Brown, Kanell, Graham, etc.
  22. True... best case scenario (for the trade value case) is we pull off a Matt Flynn type deal. Eli goes down for two games with a minor injury; Nassib steps in, wins two games. Some team looks at this and decides it's worth it to throw us a 2nd rounder for him.
  23. "He’s not going to have veins in his arms or look like somebody where you’re going to go ‘Oh [expletive],'" Fickell said. “He’s going to have a gigantic smile on his face, he’s going to be happy-go-lucky but his body is not going to impress everybody." The same can be said for guys like Wilfork, Ngata, and Suh.
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