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Everything posted by mastershake

  1. Inflated from playing bad teams. The past two years, he's tended to disappear in big games, and disappear on containing the flanks.
  2. Good lord. The guy is 70+. He's not coming back to coaching.
  3. On lagged effect, I guess the question is; How does one quantify impact, and not just immediate but overall? What I mean is, a guy could take longer to develop or start, but may be better in the long run than someone who is more NFL ready. For example (only anecdotal I know) Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady.
  4. Interesting and not a bad Model. I would be interested to see Games Started factor into the equation as well, not just Games Played. Also, since many rookies won't necessarily develop until 2-3 years down the road, I'd be interested to see some time of "lagged effect." Overall, I like it though and think it's a good indicator of results. On a related note, how can I get a job at the Jags front office? Seems they have a deep, deep need.
  5. You think Beatty and Pugh are doing well? haha. At least one of the four top OTs will climb up to the top 10 (right now, they're all rated as top 20 calibur). Schwartz can slide in and is better at Guard, where we also have need.
  6. I expect the giants to win these games, but I won't be shocked if they lose these.
  7. I highly doubt Mariota even falls to us, but if he does, I still wouldn't take him. DE/DT Leonard Williams 6'5 300 could be the next JJ Watt and is too good to pass on, but likely won't be around by the time we pick. Unless of course, this team goes 3-13, which I wouldn't be shocked by, at this point.
  8. We can draft pretty much any position, and it will fill a need. I'd prefer to see OL. We'll likely net out with the 8-10 spot. Looks like there are a fair amount of 1st round talent Tackles in this draft. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/prospectrankings/2015/OT Guys I do NOT want us to draft. Jamis Winston (can you imagine him with the NY media circus?), Landon Collins (will be a decent safety in the league, but not worth a top 10 pick). I'm also not big on drafting RBs high, as I believe the OL is more critical to a successful running game, and RBs can be found mid-late rounds (e.g. Jacobs, Bradshaw, Jennings).
  9. Hard to run the ball when we have a collegiate calibur offensive line.
  10. Well, even with the three step drops, Beatty and the rest of the line has been pathetic, so my blame lies on the offensive line, not on the coordinator or QB.
  11. While I agree the constant '3rd and 11' Peyton Hillis draw plays are ridiculous, I thought the whole point of the quick pace and timed passing game was to reduce Eli's turnovers, sacks, and in general to help make up for a shaky offensive line which can't protect the passer through deep progressions, and can't produce holes for the running game. Will Beatty out there looks like he's competing with Justin Pugh to see who can run back to the sidelines faster.
  12. I turned it off too. By the 4th holding penalty and 3rd sack, plus no pass rush on the other side, it was clear the giants packed it in by the 2nd quarter. I got tired of watching 2nd and 25, 3rd and 18...weatherford was entertaining though.
  13. Right, that's what I'm saying. Painter provides no value to the roster, even in the event of Eli getting hurt, therefore he should be cut.
  14. Practically speaking, if Eli goes down, we're screwed regardless of if Painter or Nassib is the backup. Might as well go with Nassib since he's developmental and has upside, whereas Painter has none.
  15. Defensive backs can't defend the pass anymore. Nowadays, a DB has to greet the receiver with tea and strumpets before he can even think about touching him (mind you, can't touch him until WELL after the catch). On a related note, with the NFLs new rule announcement, and having viewed the pre-season thus far, I am moving half my stock portfolio into tea and strumpet stocks. The rules should work both ways. If we're going to call a DB for literally EVERY minuscule piece of contact, Receivers should be penalized for the same as well.
  16. Two things Jerry Reese doesn't believe in. Tight Ends and Linebackers.
  17. Kendall Gaskins looked good too (I know against 2nd and 3rd stringers). Why not give him a shot as the 3rd back, presuming Hillis isn't back for awhile?
  18. Don't forget Travis Beckhum was a 3rd round pick.
  19. Reason #3 he'll succeed; he's born on the same day as me, July 9.
  20. Very nice read, plus videos. Looks like Colorado St. ran a lot of pro-style offensive sets, so hopefully with 49 starts, Richburg is NFL ready.
  21. The sack dance had better be YMCA.
  22. Once again Bleedin you're a stud for being the "Reuters" of providing giants NFL rookie UDFA signings. I still can't find a good source for this stuff, and coming to sportswrath is actually better than any google search.
  23. He's entitled to his opinion, even though you or I don't agree, however stupid we may find it. I personally don't really see any issue with Sam kissing another guy, and don't see what the fuss is about.
  24. Why can't Beckham be a #1? We won't know anything until 3-4 years down the road.
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