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Everything posted by mastershake

  1. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-most-clutch-postseason-quarterback-of-all-time-is-eli-manning/
  2. Last caption would better read "She (Fewell) meant nothing to me. You were always the one I wanted baby."
  3. In the offensive ruts that we did have, how many times did we constantly see this Oline line just get pushed back 2-3 yards, ball carriers dropped behind the line of scrimmage, quarterback under duress even from just 3 to 4 d-lineman at times, and lately Captain Holding Penalty William Beatty. Everything begins and ends with the offensive line. Guys like Walton and Jerry are sub-par. Richburg is either out of position or not ready yet, Pugh has been only okay, and Beatty is average. Collectively these five are disgustingly atrocious. Schwartz will certainly be an improvement but that's not enough. If you ask me where the priority free agent money and draft picks go, it's to the offensive line. We need to bring in at least two solid veteran offensive lineman, and supplement that with at least one draft pick, better to have two. If you look at the rest of the offensive positions, there's not much more that you're really worried about. OL OL OL damnit!!!
  4. Reese, now get him an offensive line, and let's see what this offense can really do.
  5. We're closer than you think. As always, the game begins and ends in the trenches. If we spend FA money on or draft high on two great offensive lineman plus two defensive lineman (Not mediocre/sub-par ones like Walton, Patterson, or Kiwanuka, but legit ones), plus solidify the Safety position and add a good LB, we're not that far off from 10 wins. Six good free agents plus high draft picks in those areas is within our capability. As for other positions (keep in mind, we get guys like Prince and Cruz back from injury): QB - Fine IF he has an O-Line RB - Fine if they have an O-Line WR - Strength here, with Cruz, Beckham, Randle, and with Parker for depth. Fine here. TE - Could use an upgrade, but not a priority CB - Need depth. McBride comes back from injury. Perhaps Thurmond will re-sign for cheap as the nickel corner. I'm pretty sure Hosley played his way off the roster. LB - See above, plus add a depth.
  6. http://www.nfl.com/standings/tiebreakingprocedures TIE-BREAKING PROCEDURE FOR SELECTION MEETING Clubs not participating in the playoffs shall select in the first through 20th positions in reverse standings order. The Super Bowl winner is last and Super Bowl loser is next-to-last. The losers of the Conference Championship games shall select 29th and 30th based on won-lost-tied percentage. The losers of the Divisional playoff games shall select 25th through 28th based on won-lost-tied percentage. The losers of the Wild Card games shall select 21st through 24th based on won-lost-tied percentage. If ties exist in any grouping except (2) above, such ties shall be broken by strength-of-schedule. If any ties cannot be broken by strength-of-schedule, the divisional or conference tie-breakers, if applicable, shall be applied. Any ties that still exist shall be broken by a coin flip
  7. If I'm not mistaken, the first tiebreaker in the draft is based on Strength of Schedule.
  8. That's interesting. Thanks for posting. Not sure why sites like CBS Sports and others have him ranked top 10.
  9. With all of this Washington hype, one has to question if we're falling into the "backup QB fan syndrome," but now applied to a WR. The age old meme that the backup QB is always the most popular guy for the fans... until he gets out on field and his inexperience/shittyness shows. It's the allure of the unknown.
  10. I really don't blame Fewell. He's had talent and depth problems passed down on him, particularly through injuries at every position, particularly secondary and linebacker. For the right price, I'd keep Rolle for another year or two, if not for leadership on the field and continuity more than anything. SS's can generally last a decent # of years because the position doesn't demand as much speed, especially for Rolle who plays well upfield in the box, or on TE's. At Safety, we need better starting talent at FS, depth there, and at SS. After watching some film and reading, Landon Collins is really growing on me. I like Kennard, but he's an up-field defender, not a guy who's going to drop back into coverage. We need better LBs. Because of lacking LBs on this team who can cover, I come back to my demand for better safeties. I'll be happy with Landon Collins or LB Shaq Thompson. In sum, I'll take JPP and Rolle back, but not overpaid; only for the right price. Otherwise, we go FA and draft to replace these guys.
  11. Brian Hoyer, and Marc Sanchez will be available FAs for these crap teams looking for a QB... and he'd be an upgrade over what a lot of the current 2-3 win teams have now.
  12. Brandon Scherff is the most pre ready OL, and versatile. He's worthy of a top 10 pick. Might even be off the board before #7. My 2nd choice is LB Shaq Thompson. OL La'el Collins is a guy I expect to shoot up to the 8-12 pick, so I wouldn't mind him. I was also thinking of, what if SS Landon Collins would be willing to convert to a WLB. He might be a good pick then.
  13. Ehh... kind of a one dimension, up-field player. Boom or bust, ala Dwight Freeney vs. Vernon Gholston/Aaron Maybin.
  14. Yes, I agree. I wouldn't give Mario Williams longer than a 4 year contract, at this point considering his age. Just pointing out that the current year value for the player is worth the price of > 10mm. Mario is overpaid, but is worth more than 10mm as well.
  15. There are several who are worth at least 10 million per season. (keep in mind, the 2015 salary cap is projected to be close to 138-140 million, so this is the context). Also in the context that the 10 million dollar contracts are generally given to the best and most impactful players only. JJ Watt Richard Sherman Earl Thomas Mario Williams Robert Quinn Calais Campbell Gerald McCoy N. Suh Geno Atkins Marcel Dareus Lamar Houston Clay Matthews Patrick Willis Patrick Peterson Darelle Revis Luke Kuechly Von Miller
  16. At his high end when? I was listing our current year player performance, and what 10mm might be worth (or have been worth) considering. Again, JPP in his 2nd year outdoes nearly all of these guys, except maybe two, and is definitely valued at over 10mm. I just don't think his performance lately warrants that valuation, although some team will pay him that.
  17. Fair enough. Teams in professional sports sometimes do weird things on player spending valuations. Sometimes they'll overpay a guy who had a stellar impact season 2-3 years ago, yet has fallen off since. Their rationale is "We can get this guy back to where he was." For this reason, I believe some team will pay JPP and put a premium for that performance (read in their minds as potential), rather than weight how he's performed over recent years. For me, I don't believe JPP will get back to that prior form. I think he's a good player. I just don't value him at 10mm+; I don't think the impact he has correlates with that value.
  18. It shouldn't be determined by a simple ranking. It has to do more with, what kind of player should I pay 10mm+ or X dollar ammount per year for? (and that's on the low side; likely, some team will offer JPP more) What kind of impact does that money warrant? For example, here are guys worth that amount, which have that level of impact: Here are guys currently worth 10mm+ per year (providing that impact value to their team for the price, in the current year), for example, on defense (OLB/DE, DT/DE, and DE): JJ Watt Elvis Dumvervil Justin Houston Von Miller Mario Williams Charles Johnson Ryan Kerrigan Robert Quinn Cameron Wake Mo Wilkerson Connor Barwin Calais Campbell
  19. I don't think there's any inherent problem if a QB is mobile or not. Mobility is an advantage. For instance, Steve Young, Aaron Rodgers, Ben Rothlisberger, Russell Wilson and even Drew Brees and Andrew Luck are pretty nimble. I think the challenge is more in taking QBs from these college offensive systems which are so far removed from NFL systems: Read option, spread shotgun (with little/no Pro- style Formations), screen heavy, quick throw heavy with pre-snap reads, and little pro style progression and complex route responsibilities for the QB. That's not to say a QB from a college system such as these can't ever be successful in the NFL, just saying that it might be tougher to learn, and some may never get it.
  20. I think he wins. I also think he should go to the pro-bowl, at least as an alternate.
  21. If JPP's price is something like 6 years and under 40 million (avg of ~6- 6.5mm per year), I can live with that and would resign him (next years Salary cap is projected to be nearly 138 million, so the % against the cap is rather small). If it starts to get up to say an average of 8mm-10mm per year, then he's not worth it. I expect some other team or teams to give JPP a lucrative offer, such as 6 years 65 million, or something to that effect, so I expect JPP to be elsewhere next season, unless Giant management is dumb enough to pay that price.
  22. Lions, Cardinals, Eagles, Cowboys, Seahawks, 49ers.
  23. My other problem with JPP and paying him with a big contract: He hasn't proven that he can be "the guy." He's always needed a very good DE on the other side of him (Osi or Tuck), and has never been able to adjust and be dominant when teams focus on him with chips and doubleteams. Guys like Strahan and Watt dominate no matter who else is on the D-Line. JPP hasn't proven he can, so in my mind, doesn't warrant a massive contract.
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