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Everything posted by mastershake

  1. Ah LOL...makes sense now. Takes me awhile sometimes :-)
  2. Such an awful, awful franchise due to incompetent ownership and management
  3. The guy barely had any injuries in college. Plus, he was slated to be the starting FS, and coaches raved about him in camp. How is this Reese's fault? Is Chad Jones also Reese's fault?
  4. While we're bringing up the D, I am pleasantly surprised by the decent LB play of Robinson and Kennard. Casillas seems to be hit or miss each play (he whiffs and misses a lot of tackles, from what I've seen). Overall though, as a group, I think you have to be satisfied with the giants LBs, DTs, and even the piecemeal secondary given all of the injuries, while being disappointed in the DEs and overall pass rush in general. I'm not sure if it's the DE's fault or the scheme, but the pass rush and sacks are just not there.
  5. Can we get a decent RG and RT first, then worry about another WR? Plus, Pugh is a FA, so we have to worry about overpaying a B level Guard, or overpaying him with a franchise tag.
  6. I can't believe what I'm hearing about the O-Line not being an issue. The O-Line is a disaster...there's a reason we can't run the ball, plus have 1.5 second drop backs, and inconsistencies in general Speaking of which, Pugh is a B at best; but he'd be better if he didn't have duds to the right and left of him. Also, focus on watching Richburg the next game...his man frequently beats him and/or pushes him back, and is nearly always around the ball. Bobby Hart has held up surprisingly well. Jerry is a backup on most other teams. Compounding the issue is no true blocking TE or FB as well. Overall, we have a "C" graded line at best, and the overall team blocking is closer to a C - without a TE or FB. Flowers = C Pugh = B Richburg = C Jerry = D Hart = B
  7. Also our TE's are a disaster. Let's see more of Williams. See what he can do.
  8. Reese has swung and missed with Flowers and Richburg. Hart and Jerry are backups at best. Sullivan and McAdoo know they have a shit line to work with. It also explains the constant shotgun and unusual 1.5 seconds from snap to pass. Considering the Oline personnel, McAdoo is actually doing a decent job with the O.
  9. Cooper Taylor redux, lol. Fortunately, Darian Thompson and Landon Collins look good, and even Nat Behre looks like a solid backup.
  10. The GM definitely has a seat at the table. The front office needs to provide strategic and cap input on these decisions.
  11. It's disappointing to see fellow Husky Geremy Davis and Andre Williams go, but I am glad Reese and Co. chose Roger Lewis and Orleans Darkwa over them respectively. 1 - Both clearly had the better pre-season, and 2 - Both look to be better long term. I like it when a GM isn't afraid to cut guys just because he drafted them (drafted vs. undrafted). That being said, I think Andre Williams will do well if he can go to an offense with a zone blocking scheme and a decent OL. He's the kind of back who needs a decent OL, and once he has it, can maximize it.
  12. Because he sucks and is frequently injured.
  13. The OL was very bad last year, and we've brought the same group back with no changes.
  14. The signing illustrates how woefully desperate we are at OL. Nobody else wanted Beatty, lol. And it's unlikely that he'll be healthy throughout the entire season. Plus, months ago, we already new Flowers was a project and that Newhouse was a backup at best (if that), along with Jerry who is backup material. Why did they wait until now to do anything? Is this also Coughlin's fault. Be prepared this season for a painful offense to watch, with little to no running game, and Eli under pressure all season long.
  15. Exactly...surely there are more effective ways to get his message across and to make a difference; whether or not we agree with the message is irrelevant. Additionally, his little sit protest may actually be counterproductive to whatever issue, draw attention away from the issue, and instead focus the attention onto him.
  16. The entire 2012 draft is now a complete wash. Every single player in that giants draft is out of the league, lol. That's how you know a draft is bad. The guys don't stick even on other teams.
  17. What are the dates to get to 75 and 53?
  18. How is comparing to year's past (particularly to years when we had better O-lines) relevant to evaluating the current crop of OL on THIS 2016 roster? So I say again, how confident are you in this OL? Still want to compare this OL to years past? Be my guest...that'll just further demonstrate how shitty this one is. For instance Kareem McKenzie vs. Marshal Newhouse, Chris Snee vs John Jerry (gee, that was a hard one). Shall I go on? lol "That's what they said when..." Doesn't magically make our current problems go away.
  19. Can you objectively say that you're fully confident in our offensive line?
  20. Flowers and Richburg have the potential to improve. Pugh may have settled in at the level of a 'B' guard without much more room to grow, but can be successful there with a good group around him. Jerry and Newhouse I have little confidence in. Little to no upside. They're backups playing as starters.
  21. I think they've been tougher to find lately, since much of the college game has switched to spread or gimmicky offenses, where TE's are split out more, rather than in-line.
  22. It's not just a matter of did he try or not, but was he able to build an O-line. He hasn't been able to. It should never have come to this point. The buck stops at the top. We have a C - O-Line because of Reese.
  23. Be prepared for two things this regular season: 1 - The offensive line being very mediocre, and a disaster on the right side. In particular, struggling to run the ball and anything outside the short west coast pass game. 2 - LBs who can't cover worth a damn, and not enough depth at S to fill in that gap.
  24. What is it with you and these anecdotes... do we have any reason to believe Pugh can replicate this and become an LT? "Some guy did it awhile ago, therefore anyone can do it" is not valid reasoning.
  25. Yep, I know. I'm sure they had to pick and choose, and couldn't fill every hole. Still doesn't make me comfortable that they let it even get to this point. For instance, If they had drafted better, and/or picked up better OL in past FA's, we wouldn't be this shaky on the OL.
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