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Everything posted by mastershake

  1. Now watch me jinx it and us get killed by Ertz and/or Sproles this Thurs night.
  2. The only scenario for us NOT making the playoffs is: If WE lose out, and if GB AND TB both win out, we're out of the playoffs. Just keep it simple and beat the E-Shits, and don't worry about other teams.
  3. Good summary. I think Reese has definitely made drastic improvements to the team and deserves credit for likely getting us back to the playoffs, or at least relevant football in December. Now this offseason, put together an OL, bring back at least Hankins, Robinson, and JPP, and we'll really be a contender.
  4. I agree... and he's surpassed my expectations. I can't recall what I said exactly, but prior to the season, I believe I claimed he was a backup at best. Clearly wrong on my part.
  5. Before the season started, I speculated that the Giants LBs would be the weak link of the defense. I'm very happy to say I was woefully wrong. The LBs on this team have actually been pretty decent. Robinson, Casillas, Kennard, Sheppard, and we even saw BJ Goodson getting in a little last night. No real pro bowlers, but they're definitely holding their own as solid starters mixed in with this defense. Your thoughts?
  6. Bring in a capable LT to compete with Flowers and may the best man win. I don't want to go into the 2017 with more wishful thinking at LT...that's not how this is supposed to work.
  7. That incessant want needs to end after this season of him failing miserably there for two seasons...
  8. The point I think is this...we need to go out into FA looking for a LT. We can't simply rely on wishful thinking for Flowers to get better at LT.
  9. I don't want Marshall, but I highly doubt some other teams give him a contract at or north of $10 million per year. Jeffrey MAY not even get that either, given his injuries plus PEDs. I agree with the premise of cutting Cruz and bringing in someone else, particularly because Cruz's cap number is something like 9 million next year, and he's not really producing at the level.
  10. What!?!?! Definitely one of the more wacky suggestions I've seen.
  11. I am changing my off-season priorities from TWO OL to THREE OL. I think we need to sign at least a T (assuming a starting capable LT is available, then move Flowers to RT) and a starting capable G/C (John Jerry, Newhouse need not apply), while also drafting one lineman early in the draft (i.e. find one lineman in rounds 1-3). We need to assume Richburg is the starting center next season, but long term try to replace him. I agree with Seph. He's C + to B - at best.
  12. 10-6....they'll underwhelm and back their way into one of the wild-card spots. I'll take it through. Might even win the wild card and slight chance for even the divisional round. Definitely an improvement versus the past several years, and if they just get a decent OL together in the offseason, plus hold the defense together, this team has a real chance next year.
  13. Take a flyer on him for relatively cheap. 4 years 30 million. Restructure or cut Cruz.
  14. Resign Hankins, JPP, and Keenan Robinson. Restructure Cruz's contract. Cut JT Thomas. Add two half decent OL, probably a backup OL as well, some depth at DB. I'd also like to see us bring in a half decent TE.
  15. He may not be a bust but he's definitely Reese's second 1st round T drafted to play LT who can't.
  16. There won't be any wholesale, prominent changes that transform the offense in the next five weeks. Get used to what you've seen thus far out of the offense. What you've already seen is in the realm of the best we can do with the shaky, inconsistent offensive line that we have. The best one can hope for is spreading the ball around a little more to guys other than just Beckham, and hopefully instead of the inordinate # of three and outs, the giants turn SOME of those into drives with at least two first downs to change field position, eat up clock, and rest/take pressure off the defense. That's the best you can hope for. Take 2-3 drives and get a total of ~5-6 more first downs.
  17. I'm not clear why Ben & Co isn't trying and/or can't get the ball more into the hands of Shepard and Cruz...seems like they could be a change of pace option to get the heat off Beckham, which will ultimately keep defenses off balance and make Beckham more effective. Also would like to see less wasted possessions in general due to an inordinate amount of fly patterns (i.e. Eli chucking the ball downfield hoping for the best). For what we've seen from the giants offense thus far, this may be it for them. This may be all they're capable of, given the pathetic offensive line and run game. The offseason needs to be focused on building the right side of the offensive line, at least.
  18. Crap! I mistyped! To be clear, will be rooting for the boys just for today.
  19. I hate the Cowboys and Jerry Jones, but I root for the giants playoff chances even more, so I'll be pulling for the Skins in this game.
  20. Root for the boys, for two reasons 1 - Dallas is already ahead of us, while Washington is a more realistic threat to our playoff chances 2 - because if we finish close to anyone in our division, it will likely be the Redskins and I don't want their tie to be the deciding factor against us.
  21. Two things that scare me: 1 - We've failed to put any teams away this year, including the hapless bears. If you think about it, one more mistake or bad drive even in the bears game and we would have lost. This team could easily be 5-5 with a little bit less luck. 2 - The giants seem to historically have a penchant for turning 3rd tier QBs into Joe Montana So classic trap game.
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